Three meetings Tuesday
Will Collette
Rhode Island is the only state in the union that still celebrates VJ Day - Victory over Japan in World War II - as a legal holiday. So the regular meetings of the Charlestown Town Council will be Tuesday, not Monday.
Tuesday night’s regular Town Council meeting, there will be two special meetings, both held primarily in closed, executive
session. This is pretty unusual to have two.
The first of these meetings will take place at the Charlestown-Richmond Fire Station, north of Town Hall at noon. The sole topic of that meeting will be Councilor Lisa DiBello’s long-running conspiracy lawsuit against Charlestown over her May 2010 firing. She had once offered to settle the case for $1.5 million (the link takes you to my January 2012 article and contains copies of the settlement offer from DiBello's attorney).
The first of these meetings will take place at the Charlestown-Richmond Fire Station, north of Town Hall at noon. The sole topic of that meeting will be Councilor Lisa DiBello’s long-running conspiracy lawsuit against Charlestown over her May 2010 firing. She had once offered to settle the case for $1.5 million (the link takes you to my January 2012 article and contains copies of the settlement offer from DiBello's attorney).
like hers are often settled at the insistence of the insurance company for the
municipality. This one is ripe for a similar resolution and it would end the
odd circumstance – unique, I am told – where a sitting Council member is suing
the town they are supposed to be serving.
However, in a letter to the editor published in Friday's Westerly Sun (but not on their electronic version), former Town Councilor Jim Mageau claimed that Town Council Boss Tom Gentz (CCA Party) has been holding up a settlement agreement. Mageau also claimed that a "whispering campaign" against DiBello had been going on in Charlestown.
However, in a letter to the editor published in Friday's Westerly Sun (but not on their electronic version), former Town Councilor Jim Mageau claimed that Town Council Boss Tom Gentz (CCA Party) has been holding up a settlement agreement. Mageau also claimed that a "whispering campaign" against DiBello had been going on in Charlestown.
appealed to Superior Court and the Court upheld Charlestown in every respect,
except the way the notice was given that started the daily fines against
McCabe. The Court determined the fines would start the day the decision was
issued and would continue until McCabe replaces the cesspool with an acceptable
new system. Not sure what this item is about, and we won’t know because it will
be discussed behind closed doors.
regular meeting agenda is unusually light on terrible or controversial items. Perhaps this is due to the coming election, with the CCA Party incumbents hoping that voters will only remember the last couple of Council meetings, and not all the other crazy stuff they have done during this Council term. Like the last couple of Council meetings (click here and here and here and here for more).
Among the matters to watch are the CCA Party’s continuing effort to stack the Zoning Board with its loyalists, the renaming of Mud Cove; and Chuck Wentworth wants to plant a tree (I’m dying to see how the CCA Boys will drag this one off the Consent Agenda for debate to pander to their political base).
Among the matters to watch are the CCA Party’s continuing effort to stack the Zoning Board with its loyalists, the renaming of Mud Cove; and Chuck Wentworth wants to plant a tree (I’m dying to see how the CCA Boys will drag this one off the Consent Agenda for debate to pander to their political base).
the meeting will be short, or the Councilors will grab at some items as reasons
to fight, or more likely, pontificate.
Missing from the
any discussion about the state’s intended purchase of the Audubon Society’s Kimball Wildlife Sanctuary. You would think the Council would be all over this
given the new CCA Party Campaign Platform statement that “CCA-endorsed
candidates are committed to opposing state legislative and administrative
initiatives that threaten to remove local control over Planning, Zoning, and
the protection of Charlestown’s environment and community character.”
This bit of CCA double-speak is intended to cover themselves. At the last two Council meetings, the
CCA Boys made idiots of themselves attacking
the state Water Resource Board for its planned purchase of several parcels
from the Glista family to be held as open space to preserve the clean water
did they go after the Water Resources Board for wanting to buy land for open
space and not go after DEM for wanting to buy land for open space? I
specifically asked Town Administrator Mark Stankiewicz by e-mail if there was
any interaction with the state over the Kimball Wildlife Refuge deal and he did
not respond.
is the meeting agenda, shown in the actual order of business, with my usual
obnoxious and snarky remarks shown in bold red.
1. CALL TO ORDER, Moment of Silence,
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to move item 15a and 12 to be heard
next on the Agenda
a. Proclamation for Richard Hosp
Richard Hosp has been a faithful and
long-serving member of the community (former Town Councilor, Budget Commission member). He has been going through some rough
medical problems. His wife Martha wrote a wonderful letter to the editor of the
Sun (click here) after Richard was
saved from a near-fatal heart attack.
All items marked with “CA” are to be
considered consent agenda. These are supposed to be non-controversial items, so uncontroversial that the Council will vote to adopt them on one block vote without debate or discussion, unless of course, one of the Councilors, usually Lisa DiBello, decides to pull an item for some such reason.
Motion to accept, approve and place on
file the following as the consent agenda: 8a, 11a, 11b, 11c, 13a, 13b, 17a,
18a, 18b, 18c, 18d, 18e, 18f
“CA” a. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the
Approval of a Tree Dedication and Planting Provided by Chuck Wentworth in Ninigret Park in
Memoriam of "Chili Brother" Avery Scholl
NOTE: a lot of CCA
Party backers don’t like Chuck Wentworth because he is the founder and
organizer of Charlestown’s annual Rhythm & Roots Festival. I have seen them
come out on the attack just because of their animus toward the event, or for
that matter, any event in Ninigret Park. It’ll be interesting to see if they
want to pick a fight over this.
“CA” a. Discussion and potential action regarding the
approval of the following events at
the Community Center with a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation
Commission, subject to review of contracts by the Town Solicitor, receipt of
all applicable paperwork and insurance and that all event details are
satisfactorily met by the Parks and Recreation Director:
Event: Jerry Cote Birthday Party
Event Dates: August 23, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: N/A
Fee: $145.00
“CA” b. Discussion and potential action regarding the
approval of the following events at
the Ninigret Park Kimball Pavilion with a
recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, subject to review of
contracts by the Town Solicitor, receipt of all applicable paperwork and
insurance and that all event details are satisfactorily met by the Parks and
Recreation Director:
Event: Sellins Family
Event Dates: September 13, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: N/A
Fee: $50.00
“CA” c. Discussion and potential action regarding the
approval of the following events at
Ninigret Park with a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation
Commission, subject to review of contracts by the Town Solicitor, receipt of
all applicable paperwork and insurance and that all event details are
satisfactorily met by the Parks and Recreation Director:
Event: Chariho Flag
Football League
Event Dates: September 6,
13, 20, 27; October 4,11,18,25; November 1,8; Total of 10 dates
Camping: N/A
Insurance: One Million General Liability
Fee: $250
“CA” a. Town Council Minutes: July 9 (5:30
and 6:00 Workshops); July 14 (Executive
and Cancelled); July 17 (Regular)
“CA” b. Reports: Building Official – July 2014; Police Chief – July 2014; Public Works Director – July 2014; Town Clerk – July 2014; Treasurer – June 2014; Wastewater – July 2014
“CA” a. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Appointments of Susan W.
Barrett and John Patrick Barrett as Alternates to Agricultural Preservation,
Terms to Expire in January of 2015
“CA” a. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding a New Parks and Recreation Theater Program as Budgeted in Line Item 815.8035
“CA” b. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Award of
the Roll-Off Container Bid to Custom
Container Solutions for an Amount Not to Exceed $6,375.00, as Budgeted in Line
Item 990-9933, and Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer,
Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such
Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into
Effect the Foregoing
“CA” c. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Approval of
the Purchase of the IQM2 Government Meeting Management Software at a Rate of $885.00 Per Month for the Unlimited Use
of MinuteTraq and MediaTraq with
Funding to Come from Line Item 01.490.4950, and Authorization of the Town
Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and
Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be
Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing.
NOTE: this item will lead to the replacement of Clerkbase, a quirky system I’ve often complained about, with a new system that is supposed
to be much more user friendly. Providence uses it and I checked it out. I was
stunned at how fast IQM2 is and how easy it was to get on and then move around
the system. IQM2 is supposed to be able to customize their package to provide
Charlestown with all the good features many of us had gotten used to (e.g.
indexed video, linked documents) without the Clerkbase headaches. I really hope
this works.
d. Request from the Tax Assessor for Abatements in
the Amount of $1200.26
“CA” e. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding a New Parks and Recreation Adult Tennis Program as Budgeted in Line Item 815.8035
“CA” f. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Award of
the Police Mower Bid to Pat's Power Equipment, Inc.
for an Amount Not to Exceed $ 6,958.89, as Budgeted in Line Item 990-9907, and
Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any
and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or
Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing
Not a mulching mower? Are the clippings going to be composted? What is the cost for the service and maintenance on this item?
3. PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the
a. Town Administrator
b. Commission Reports
b. Discussion and Potential Action
Regarding the of Renaming Mud
Cove to Pawaget Park
NOTE: that seems to be a thing in Charlestown in recent
years, to take old features and give them new names. In this instance, the
proposed new name reflects the name the Narragansetts gave to Ninigret Pond and
was endorsed by the Charlestown Historical Society.
c. Discussion and Potential Action
Requesting an Updated Advisory from the Affordable Housing Commission
Regarding the ChurchWoods Land Acquisition that Stems from the
Revised Funding Source and Other Changes from the October 2, 2012 Affordable
Housing Commission Advisory for Return by the September 2014 Town Council
NOTE: this seems to be a very routine matter since the big
news came last month when Geoff
Marchant reported that he secured the much-needed federal funding to make
this project happen.
BOARD – None
a. Board and Commission vacancies
a. Discussion and Potential Action
Regarding a Communication from
Representative Donna Walsh Regarding
a Single Taxing District, as Described in the July 2014 Special Pipeline
NOTE: this continues the discussion about the bogus “single
taxing district” (STD) issue that Councilor Dan Slattery (CCA Party) wants
to inflate into some great big emergency when, as Rep. Walsh explains, “the sky
is not falling.” Rep. Walsh points out that the taxpayer-funded town mailer
about the STD issue was a mistake because it alarmed residents unnecessary –
she notes that it takes consensus among the three Chariho Towns and the School
Committee before the General Assembly would pass such legislation and then a “yes”
vote by all three towns’ voters before any such legislation would go into
b. Discussion and potential action
regarding the following appointments to
the Bicycle Pathway Ad Hoc Committee; applications received from Faith LaBossiere,
Richard Horstmann, Jonathan Hammett, and Patrick Lyons
c. Discussion
and Potential Action to make membership Appointments to
the Zoning Board of Review – 1 Full Member (Term to Expire in July of 2019) and
Alternate #3 (Term to Expire in July of 2015); application received from Joseph Quadrato
this continues the CCA Party’s determined effort to stack the Zoning Board of
Review with die-hard CCA Party loyalists who will vote the CCA agenda rather
than the law. Watch for a huge uptick in lawsuits against the town when
applicants get screwed. The town will probably lose most of those lawsuits and
the costs to the town will be terrible. This particular vote is forced by last
month’s disgraceful purge by the CCA Party of long-serving ZBR member Richard
g. Discussion and Potential Action
Regarding Community Septic Loan Program Resolutions, Approving the Application for Additional Funding
from the RI Clean Water Finance Agency in the Amount of $300,000 and Approving
Charlestown’s Community Septic System Loan Program Criteria, Giving
Authorization to the Town Council President and the Town Administrator, Each,
to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates,
Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the
NOTE: this is a great
program that helps residents cope with the costs of replacing a failed
septic system with a new state-of-the-art system through low interest, 2%,
10-year loans for those that qualify. Only a handful of towns in Rhode Island
go through the paperwork to provide this for their residents and Charlestown
has been doing it for years.