Never Decided-Part 3 of 3
Jim Bedell, Progressive Charlestown guest contributor
previous discussion (click
here for Part 1 and click here for Part 2) of how our constitutional
“privileges of the shore” have been undermined by the erroneous assumption that
only ownership of the shore matters, and the use of a “special definition” of
what the word “shore” encompasses, illustrate the primary reasons why this case
has no place in deciding issues of our shore rights and privileges.
Island Constitution, keep in mind, makes no mention of high tide, low tide,
or any other reference relating to the location of those rights. It’s easy to
figure out.
The public enjoys an easement…an easement across the seaward edge of the shorefront
properties. That is what the citizens of RI voted to make part of their state’s
moment’s thought makes it clear that the recognition of this easement benefits
all Rhode Islanders, including the shorefront owners.
Without it the
owners of beachfront homes could not go for a walk down the beach. Without it
they are “prisoners of their property lines”. If we all can’t pass along the
shore, nobody can.
a book by Patrick T. Conley and Robert J. Flanders discussing the Rhode
Island State Constitution, the point was
raised that Judge Shea intentionally left the matter blurred, leaving future
situations to be interpreted in the future.
people of Rhode Island expect their agencies to pick up the mantle of
responsibility assigned to them by the constitution which states that
protecting our shore rights and privileges “shall
be an exercise of the police powers of the state, shall be liberally construed,
and shall not be deemed to be a public use of private property.” [Sect. 16
R.I. Constitution]
shift their viewpoint from the misguided focus on state ownership to the
recognition of our easement across private property, the state agencies will
have to invest both time and energy. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why
there has been a focus on the Ibbison
ruling... it's easier that way. But it's not right.
sea level rise makes profound changes everywhere on our coastline, these
agencies will be determining what the coast of tomorrow will look like. Every
commercial or residential endeavor along the shore will have to apply for
permits to make the adjustments to rising sea level.
The Rhode
Island Constitution should be seen as necessitating that any applications
for alterations to the shoreline must include design and planning for the
easement on which Rhode Island citizens will exercise their shore rights and
privileges. And that easement is along the dry land.
at this point in time, Rhode Island is in the middle of a reevaluation of the state’s
coastal regulations. The Special
Area Management Plan (SAMP) is a multi-year and in-depth evaluation process
ending in the promulgation of new coastal guidelines and policies.
It is a
great opportunity for us to make sure that the government bodies in charge of
our coast follow our Constitution in administering their duties, and do not get
tangled in a confused and misinterpreted ruling from an isolated criminal
trespass case more than thirty years ago.
closing, I will stretch a bit and use a quote from Nelson Mandela, "It
always seems impossible until it's done".
is no doubt that recapturing our full citizens’ rights is a long row to hoe.
Hopefully a committee of all stakeholders will be involved with deciding the
details of implementing this deserving return to our complete coastal
make no mistake; there are some powerful people with tremendous financial,
social, and political resources who are perfectly happy with the Ibbison
ruling. Its misinterpretation limits the
use of the shore to only a select few.
it possible that our Constitution guarantees “rights and privileges of the
shore” to only some of us? I don’t think so…not in Rhode Island.
the Ocean State we can all use the edge of the land bordering the large body of
Author Jim Bedell is the driving force behind
the Rhode Island Shoreline Access Coalition that seeks to protect the right of
people to the use and enjoyment of Rhode Island’s shoreline, as is supposedly
guaranteed in Rhode Island’s Constitution.