Your tax bill
and if you’re part of the Charlestown elite, a CCA sales pitch
Monday night, the Town Council, totally controlled by the Charlestown Citizens
Alliance (CCA Party), voted to spend
over a quarter million dollars of your tax dollars to add tons of asphalt to
Ninigret Park for a bike path that no one needs, given that so much
of the Park is already paved.
only that, they also raided the Recreation Bond funds for another $140,000 in
expenditures while blatantly ignoring the top two recommendations of the Parks
and Recreation Commission. Ironically, one of those priorities they ignored was the clearing
and expanding of natural, unpaved walking and hiking trails.
Tuesday, like nearly all Charlestown property owners, I received our new tax
bill with the brand new tax rate of $10.21 – continuing the streak of tax
rate hikes imposed on taxpayers that has taken place every year over the eight
years that the CCA Party has controlled town government.
Wednesday, a friendly reader sent me a copy of the CCA Party’s new
fund-raising letter
where they pat themselves on the back for saving Charlestown from fiscal ruin.
Oddly, the letter also points out:
“CCA opposes our political adversary's plan to replace the current equitable tax model with one that penalizes summer residents.”
assume they must be talking about me (even though I’m not running for anything) and my suggestion that it’s time to re-visit the idea of a Homestead Tax Credit.
I raised this issue because the General Assembly
just approved one for the town of Narragansett even more
generous than the one proposed by Charlestown Democrats in 2012 and killed by the
Homestead tax credits would give a tax break to people who make Charlestown
their home.
funny to see the CCA Party actually trying to raise money for this year’s
election since they have virtually no
Only one person is running against them. Their darling boy Rep. Blake “Flip”
Filippi is also running
maybe the reason the CCA is so cranked up about any mention of the Homestead
Tax Credit is that Flip bought a
house in Charlestown. The listing on the Charlestown Tax Assessor’s database seems to be calling the property owner-occupied but Flip filed for
re-election as if he was a Block Island resident.
From the CCA Party fund-raising letter. Do you see any of these "goals" at play in their conduct? |
at Monday’s Town Council meeting, “CCA Town Council” (a term even the CCA is
now using) showed how fiscally responsible they are by approving a $267,000
contract to Cardi Corporation to build another 1.3 miles of paving to Ninigret
Park for a fancy bike path.
Park, you may recall, was part of a former Naval Air Station and was deeded
over to the town virtually covered with concrete.
Charlestown and the US Fish
and Wildlife Service have had to put a lot of money and effort into removing quite a bit of this paving.
more should be removed, in areas that are used for infrequent parking but where
a more environmentally suitable surface would suffice.
![]() |
Ruth Platner: Asphalt paving is terrible, except when it's going on Faith Labossiere's bike path |
Also, let’s also remember the very
public long-standing abhorrence to all non-porous paving by CCA shadow leader
and Planning Commissar Ruth Platner. This long-standing hate for paving was not in evidence when the Council decided to blow $267,000 on this paving project.
Why? Because CCA Party co-founder Faith Labossiere wants this bike path. I’ll bet you
$100 that this thing is going to be named after her.
And despite the fact that
this project is not needed, not a priority, not fiscally or environmentally
sound, the “CCA Town Council” approval was a done deal before the Council even
sat to discuss it.
there’s that. Then the next day, tax bills arrive and we see the new tax rate
of $10.21 per $1,000 of property valuation. That’s up ten cents over last year
even though our Chariho School district cost (which comprises most of the town
budget) is down and town operating costs rose only modestly.
the CCA Party took control of Charlestown, our tax rate was $7.16. So with this
new tax hike, our tax rate has
gone up by 42.6% under CCA Party control.
latest tax hike occurred even though, over the past eight years, the CCA Party
has carried out the three main measures it promised would actually reduce
- Buy more open space because somehow according to the CCA Party, and particularly their resident genius Cliff Vanover, taking property off the tax rolls increases property values.
- Block any development that would make it easier for families with children to live in Charlestown because, in the CCA’s opinion, children are parasites.
- Pay cash for major capital improvement projects that are normally financed through bonds (an attractive option in these times when interest rates are incredibly low).
CCA Party has done these three things with gusto for the past eight years but
none of the tax savings have materialized.
wait, says the CCA, Charlestown has one of the lowest tax rates in the state!
Not mentioned is that the only reason this is the case is that Charlestown,
like the other small towns on the low tax rate list, provides almost no
municipal services. You have to pay extra for fire protection and ambulance
service, for water, sewage and rubbish.
brings me to the CCA Party’s
fund-raising letter.
So much of it is devoted to rationalizing the CCA Town Council’s tax and
spending policies with a sprinkling of the usual CCA Party rhetoric about being
civil and fair and careful, while building consensus and hewing to fiscal
it’s fiction. And bad fiction at that. Especially the parts about taxes and spending.
night’s Council pre-determined action on the $267,000 asphalt bike path stands as proof
that the claims in CCA letter bear no resemblance to reality. Need more proof?
Read your new tax bill.
there’s the gratuitous drop-in remark about wanting to protect the
poor, long-suffering summer residents from some horrible unnamed political
menace who wants to tax them back to Connecticut where the odds are pretty good that they enjoy a homestead credit on their primary residence.
The CCA Party seems to be very self-conscious about their record on taxes and spending, and they ought to be. In their words and actions, they've made it very clear that they care little about the working families who live here but lots about the rich summer folks who need a spendidly maintained infrastructure, but one they don't want to pay for.
Incidentally, these summer residents don't pay state income taxes like the rest of us and it's those taxes that pay for much of that infrastructure.
So even though the CCA Party faces a walk-over in the election and will retain power, still they come at us with the lies, exaggerations and personal attacks which they will probably ramp up as November 8 draws closer.
Incidentally, these summer residents don't pay state income taxes like the rest of us and it's those taxes that pay for much of that infrastructure.
So even though the CCA Party faces a walk-over in the election and will retain power, still they come at us with the lies, exaggerations and personal attacks which they will probably ramp up as November 8 draws closer.
one good thing in the campaign so far is that the CCA Party hasn’t done its
usual effort to jack up racial hatred against the Narragansett Indian tribe. So
far, except for the mandatory mention that they oppose casino gambling, it
looks like we’ll be spared their trumped up attacks against our tribal