Tax Cuts Are Not Trickling Down To Workers
Frank Clemente

Huge tax cuts that mostly go to the wealthy and corporations are exploding the national debt, and threaten deep cuts to essential public services like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and education.
Not only are the tax
cuts unwise, they're unfair. Corporations saw their tax rate slashed from 35
percent to 21 percent -- a cut of 40 percent. Their wealthy CEOs, who are
members of the top 1 percent, are getting a tax cut that averages more than
$51,000 a year. The bottom three-fifths of the population, people making under
$86,000 a year, will get a tax cut of about $1 a day on average.
It's no accident. The priorities of President Trump and Congressional Republicans in crafting their tax overhaul were clear from the start: reward their wealthy political backers, and in many cases, themselves.
The biggest winners from the new tax law are often the least deserving. The pharmaceutical companies that keep jacking up prescription drug prices. Health insurance companies will make out well, too, even as they keep raising premiums on American families.
The wealthy Koch brothers
and their company could save over a billion dollars a year. So it's not
surprising they're planning to spend up to $400 hundred million in the upcoming
Congressional elections to protect their windfall. Its a profitable political
Maybe you've heard
companies are sharing their tax cuts with workers through bonuses and pay
hikes. Thats certainly what corporations would like you to think; but think
again. Trickle down is not working today, and it did not work in the past.
According to a comprehensive
tracking website by Americans for Tax Fairness, only 385 out of America's 26
million businesses have provided any bonuses or wage hikes due to the Trump tax
Most of those are one-time bonuses, not permanent wage increases. Just 6.3 million out of 148 million workers, or 4 percent, of American workers have gotten one-time bonuses or wage hikes from their employers tied to the tax cuts.
Most of those are one-time bonuses, not permanent wage increases. Just 6.3 million out of 148 million workers, or 4 percent, of American workers have gotten one-time bonuses or wage hikes from their employers tied to the tax cuts.
Already, it is estimated
that 126 corporations will get $61 billion in tax breaks this year from the
Trump tax law. That's 9 times more than the $6.5 billion that corporations have
pledged to hand out to workers in one-time bonuses and wage hikes.
Where are most of the
tax cuts going? Not surprisingly, to wealthy investors and CEOs. Companies have
committed to spend 39 times more on stock buybacks, which overwhelmingly
benefit the rich, than they have on employee bonuses and wages -- $253 billion
vs. $6.5 billion.
Far from closing
loopholes for special interests, the law creates new ones. Wealthy business
owners like President Trump were given extra carve-outs in the tax code --
benefits regular workers can't use.
Someone must pay the bill for all these tax giveaways to the wealthy -- and that someone is you. President Trump's proposed budget for next year cuts $1.7 trillion from health care funding, Social Security disability programs, college tuition aid, and food aid, and many other services working families rely on to get by.
As soon as the GOP tax
bill seemed on track to passage, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced it was time
to turn to "entitlement reform" -- which is just a fancy term for
cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
The system is already
rigged enough against working families. Tax reform should level the playing
field, not tilt it further in favor of the wealthy and well-connected.
We need to repeal the
Trump-GOP tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Then we can use that money to
strengthen Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education and other vital
public investments, such as infrastructure.
Senate Democrats have a
$1 trillion plan to build roads, improve water quality, unclog airports, expand
broadband and attend to many other long-neglected needs. They would pay for it
by rolling back some of the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy and big
Last year's rushed tax
bill was principally a payoff to wealthy political donors. By repealing the tax
giveaways to wealthy individuals and profitable corporations, and investing
that money in American communities, we can make the system work better for
working families.