But we're still $3 million short and the question is how will we make that up? We already run a very lean town government and provide very few municipal services, so cuts are not the answer. We could raise the tax rate, which is what most normal communities do, but that would upset the RI Statewide Coalition and the many RISC members within the Charlestown Citizens Alliance leadership.
So what do we do? I have a Modest Proposal, an update of Jonathan Swift's scholarship. We should banish families with school age children.
It costs just under $15,000 for every student in the Chariho school system. As it is, 60% (yikes!) of Charlestown's total budget is spent sending kids to school.

Charlestown Planning Commissar Ruth Platner has already used the argument that families with kids burden our tax system to block new affordable housing construction. Why not apply that same impeccable logic to resolving the current crisis?
We could put up one of those thermometer charts outside Town Hall to show Ruth's progress at saving our taxes by 86'ing school kids.
Unless we want to raise the tax rate and create a fairer tax system, we're going to have to think outside the box. I believe this Modest Proposal certainly qualifies as that.
Author: Will Collette