Tuesday, April 5, 2011

More money for kids?

UPDATE, Wednesday, April 6: The Chariho $54.3 budget was approved by voters in the district's three towns yesterday. Hopkinton's voters approved by a razor thin margin, 147-143. Richmond's margin was wider, 161-108. But Charlestown, despite Planning Commissar Ruth Platner's campaign against Chariho school kids, approved the budget by the widest margin, 186 to only 37 against, even though this budget will raise C-Town's cost by $41,000.

Today is the day for voters in the three-town Chariho school district to go to the polls and vote on next year's $54 million-plus school budget.

If everyone who reads this blog goes out to vote, maybe we could double the usual turn-out for these special budget elections. Town Hall is the voting station for all C-town voters.

For Charlestown, this year's budget means an increase of 0.3% or just under $41,000. For more information, read Andrew Martin's piece in the Chariho Times (and thanks for the plug, Andrew).

This increase is in spite of the drop in the number of kids in town and the concerted efforts of Planning Commissar Ruth Platner to keep new kids from moving into town.

Author: Will Collette