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URI Bay Campus |
NIMBYS LOSE IN WESTERLY. In an earlier post, I confessed to working for almost 20 years to help NIMBY groups block toxic dumps, coal mines, liquid pig manure lagoons, etc. but that I was disgusted to see the same tactics used to block good things. I'm happy to report that the Wilcox East Neighborhood Association lost its bid to kill the WARM Center's planned affordable housing for the disabled and new eating facilities for the homeless. Even though the Wilcox East folks used the line, "we're not against affordable housing, BUT...." they have been trying to drive WARM out of the community. They have actually proposed that a better place for WARM would be the town dump. Well, they had their asses handed to them last Monday when the Westerly Town Council voted unanimously to approve a compromise plan.
DOREEN COSTA STICKS IT TO TERESA TANZI. A couple of the earliest pieces I wrote for the blog dealt with Tea Party Rep. Doreen Costa (R-NO Kingstown) and her flare for the trivial. After her triumphs in getting a resolution requiring the state to call Christmas Trees, ah, Christmas Trees and another memorializing an almost entirely fictional image of Ronald Reagan, I came this close to getting her sponsor a resolution marking Red Sox Truck Day.
Rep. Teresa Tanzi (D-So. Kingstown) gave fellow freshman Costa a chance to be part of something serious - to co-sponsor sponsoring the bill Tanzi and Sen. Sue Sosnowski have introduced on behalf of Attorney General Peter Kilmartin to change the state's "good time" early release policy to prevent monsters like kid killer Michael Woodmansee.
In return for a high profile role on a very popular bill, Tanzi wanted a favor: she wanted Costa to vote to move the Marriage Equality bill out of committee and onto the floor of the House. Costa was shocked, shocked I tell you that there would be deal-making in the General Assembly. Apparently, this is unheard of in that part of Oz where Costa comes from. Instead of doing not one, but two good things, Costa gave the story to the media in a clear effort to tarnish Tanzi's reputation as one of the star freshmen legislators. Teresa should have known better than to expect honorable conduct from the likes of Costa, but live and learn..

WHILE YOU'RE WAITING for the results of the Peeps contests, here's a very scary/cool interactive tool that allows you to see the ebb and flow of our national employment numbers over the past ten years. I know that sounds incredibly boring, but check it out.
Author: Will Collette