Thank you to everyone who came out in the fog, and later under cloudy skies, to the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee tag sale today. Lots of Progressive Charlestown readers were there. Rep. Donna Walsh was there for about half the day, spending most of her time talking to constituents. Later in the day, our friend Rep. Larry Valencia stopped by and dropped some money (thanks, Larry). His district covers the northern end of Charlestown while Donna represents the southern half.
I don't have the official numbers yet, but it looks like the final tally may end up doubling last year's take. And we were happy with last year's take.
Boosting sales this year was an entire table just for good quality jewelry.
Henry Walsh's famous duck plucker |
But the highlight of the day was Henry Walsh's duck plucker. Henry has donated the duck plucker for each year's CDTC tag sale since 1956. But until today, no one was either worthy, or savvy enough to appreciate its potential.
But later in the day, I was at the table when a gentleman took one look at it and said, "ah, that's a duck plucker - I've got buddies in New Hampshire who've been looking for one for years."
Now, I don't know if he's going to use it himself, or give it to his New Hampshire buddies, or use it for enhanced interrogation, but I'm glad to see the duck plucker go to someone who appreciates it. And the Henry Walsh Duck Plucker has made its last appearance at the annual Charlestown Dems sale.
Wonder how Henry is going to top that.
Author: Will Collette