Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CCA re-shuffles the deck chairs

The Charlestown Citizens Alliance sent out an e-mail message today about major changes in its officer ranks.

The message begins by noting how CCA began almost five years ago as an organization "dedicated to open and transparent town government" - and that "it remains so."

So naturally - in complete secrecy - the CCA "Steering Committee refreshes itself, picks new officers, and recruits members for the Steering Committee."

Except the only refreshment is the ouster of Kallie and John Jurgens from the offices of President and Treasurer, respectively. Bernice Krantz takes over as President and Leo Mainelli takes over as Treasurer. As previously reported, the Jurgens have declared their full-time residence as Stuart, FL. Milton Krantz remains as Vice-President and Town Council President Tom Gentz remains as Secretary. The Krantzs are long-time pillars of the Charlestown community and life-long Democrats - and that's a welcome change.

Other than that, there is no change in the Steering Committee membership or officer ranks. Kallie and John Jurgens retain their seats and votes on the Steering Committee.

The same small group that has run CCA from the start continues to run the CCA and, by virtue of its working majority on the Town Council and total lock on the Planning Commission, continues on as Charlestown's shadow government.

And continues as a closed, secret society that does not permit other Charlestown residents to join. As the CCA website puts it: "CCA has not yet established a procedure for official membership."

When I put together the "Voices of Greed" series, I criticized the CCA for simply passing on anonymous e-mail messages the CCA claimed it received from its e-mail list. Some of these messages were ignorant and bigoted. Others were filled with misinformation. But in either case, the CCA simply passed them on without comment or correction.

According to their new message, this is simply democracy at work. As they explain: "We continue to give residents a voice to their concerns without judging them. Everyone deserves a place at the table, regardless of their opinions. We will not be negative towards anyone's ideas-democracy is just too precious to deny."

It's true that in a democracy, people do have the right to be bigoted liars and idiots. The Tea Party is certainly an affirmation of that. But in a democracy, we also have the right - if not the duty - to call them out for it. And organizations that claim to care about the well-being of the community cannot simply pass on false information or ignorant remarks, however "precious," without comment or correction. Especially when they are - as the CCA is - our shadow government.

Author: Will Collette