Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Charlestown Democrats Hail Vote for New Beach Facilities

News release from the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee:

The Charlestown Democratic Town Committee (CDTC) hailed Monday’s approval by voters of proposed permanent sanitary facilities at the two town beaches. By a vote of 320 to 256, voters authorized the town to issue bonds to cover the anticipated $1.19 million it will cost to replace the town’s dilapidated rolling toilets, update septic systems and add rinse-off showers at Blue Shutters and Charlestown Town Beach.

“This is an affirmation of common sense,” said CDTC Chair Catherine Collette, “as well as a sensible public health measure. It’s hard to believe this was such a controversial issue and that there are people in town who opposed this.”

Charlestown’s economy is based almost entirely on summer tourism. Its two town beaches, Ninigret Park festivals and its many beautiful natural features draw thousands of visitors to Charlestown between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

“The vote to approve sanitary facilities at our town beaches not only benefits our visitors,” said Collette. “There are many town residents, including families with small children, who don’t live within walking distance of the beaches and need these facilities.”

Charlestown Democrats worked diligently to win approval for this project, starting with membership on the Ad Hoc Beach Facilities Committee that created the plans for the project. Members also wrote to local newspaper letter to the editor columns and on the independent Progressive Charlestown blog. The day before the election, CDTC members called registered voters to urge them to go to the polls and to support new beach facilities.