Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Got stuff? Dems want it.

The "It's not the end of the world" tag sale was such a success (netting almost $1000) that the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee is planning to do another sale at the end of the summer.

If you were among the many who came to the May tag sale, we had a lot of choice stuff for sale at incredible bargain prices - among the highlights was an entire table of very nice jewelry and Henry's Walsh's famous duck plucker. After donating the duck plucker for at least 30 straight years, Henry and the rest of us were shocked when somebody (a) actually knew what it was on first sight and (b) actually bought it.

If you have stuff lying around your house, in your basement or attic, or in your garage that is in good condition and saleable - we want it. Please box it or bag it, if appropriate or if its furniture or appliances, leave it as is, and contact CDTC Treasurer Frank Glista  at 364-3723.