Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Museum-to-be in Charlestown

You may have noticed the new construction next to the Charlestown Historical Society Schoolhouse, west of the library in Cross' Mills. That will be the new Charlestown Historical Society Museum. (More background here.)

For too long the archives and historical objects donated to the CHS bounced around in musty basements and are currently stored in the vault at Town Hall. We will soon have a permanent building to store and display historical records and pieces of our history and display them for residents and visitors alike.

You will be able to check out the construction progress when you visit the library, for instance to view the movie Gasland on Friday, June 10, at 7 pm. You will also be able to check out the progress during the Charlestown Farmers' Markets on Friday mornings starting June 17. CHS members will be in front of the schoolhouse to talk to you about it and, of course, to accept your generous donations to help complete our museum.

(photos below the break)

The new museum will be located next to the CHS schoolhouse.

The Master Gardeners' demonstration garden is being carefully protected from the construction. The two buildings and the garden will look beautiful together.

The museum site has been made possible through a generous 99-year lease from the landowner.
Artist's rendering of the completed museum
Author: Tom Ferrio