Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tips to hosting a Green Fourth of July Cook-out

We hope that food is locally sourced!

Reprinted with permission from ecoRI News
By ecoRI News staff

With the Fourth of July fast approaching, the unofficial start of the summer cookout and picnic season has arrived. Here are some environmentally friendly ideas to help keep these outdoor gatherings simple and green:

Use local
, in-season fruits and vegetables and buy locally raised meat, poultry and baked goods.

Offer reusable utensils, tableware and glasses, and have a large container for beverages and water. Use cloth napkins and tablecloths.

Recycle those large foil cooking trays and pie tins.

Compost food scraps, watermelon and paper napkins and non-waxy paper plates.

Keep clearly marked recycling and composting containers nearby.

Ditch the store-bought bagged chips and make healthier, less-trash-producing ones of pita bread baked a local bakery. They’re easy to make and you can control the salt content.

Use sunscreen and insect repellents made with fewer chemicals, and avoid spraying the entire picnic/cookout area with toxic pest products.

Don’t waste leftover ice or ice water. Use it to rinse reusable dishes and utensils or water the garden, or dump into a rain barrel for use later in the summer.