Sunday, June 5, 2011

Vote for Clean Charlestown Beaches Monday June 6

The town's financial election is tomorrow, Monday, June 6. Voting for all registered Charlestown voters is at Town Hall from 8 AM to 8 PM.

There will only be two questions on the ballot. Question #1 asks you to approve the town's budget for 2011-2012 which comes in at approximately $25 million (roughly 60% of Charlestown's budget goes to Chariho, is mandated and not up for a vote). It's a frugal, balanced budget at addresses the town's needs. We recommend a YES vote.

Question #2 asks voters to approve a $1.19 million bond to build permanent new sanitary facilities at our two town beaches to replace the worn-out rolling outhouses we currently use. This issue has been controversial. Some criticize the design while some beach front property owners don't want any new facilities that might encourage anyone else but themselves to use the beach.

Whether you drove to the  beach from New York or Carolina village, these privileged few don't want you at "their" beaches.

These facilities are no where near as expensive or state-of-the-art as those being built in our neighboring towns, but reflect Charlestown's conservative approach to capital investments. In my opinion, they deserve your support and YES vote tomorrow.

A few people are afraid to spend any town money on anything, panicked by these economic times and caught up in Tea Party rhetoric. They fail to recognize that Charlestown has a summer economy. If our beaches close because of e-coli or other waste-related pestilence, bye-bye, Charlestown economy. Then watch your taxes rise! So that argument fails too.

In summary, if Charlestown Voters vote YES tomorrow, this is what we get:

If Charlestown Voters vote NO tomorrow, this is what we get:

The choice is yours. We urge you to vote YES.