This Citizens Forum concept is a special favorite of Town Council Vice-President Dan Slattery who served as CCA President during the CCA's dalliance with the idea of voting rights for non-resident property owners.
He heartily supported ex-state Rep. Matt McHugh, who was endorsed by the CCA on Slattery's watch to run against State Representative Donna Walsh.
McHugh spoke of his continuing support for giving the vote to absentee landowners when he accepted the CCA endorsement.
Could this conspicuous gesture toward our summer visitors be a harbinger of a new CCA push for the disenfranchised wealthy?
As Town Council spectators observe, Dan Slattery puts a tremendous amount of stock in what gets said at these Citizen Forums.
So if the Shady Harbor-East Beach Road summer crowd turns out tonight, expect that Dan will see their needs as his new mandate.