Thursday, August 25, 2011

Politics of the Absurd

Dan Slattery - king of the
Wild Frontier
Here’s something else for Dan Slattery to worry about. Just after getting himself whipped into a lather in fear of the largely unproven and unscientific health concerns about wind turbines, UMASS scientists announced the successful test of a new tidal turbine electricity generating system in the waters off Martha’s Vineyard. This is another promising alternative energy technology that will almost certainly stir up another batch of hysterical NIMBY opposition. Dan – let’s save some time….why not attach a tidal turbine ban to Ordinance 341 - the first in the nation total ban on wind energy – when you push it through the Town Council on September 12.

The Town’s official publishing of Ordinance 341, the total ban on wind energy in any shape, size and location in Charlestown in the Westerly Sun was pretty amazing to see. We paid for roughly three pages of newspaper space to print the “ordinance.” Those three pages of news print consisted of a couple of paragraphs – and the rest of it was line after line after line of crossed-out language from the existing ordinance. The reason for that is Ordinance 341 is a simple, total ban, while the ordinance it replaced was a moratorium combined with nearly impossible to meet conditions to get a permit for a wind generator.

Unfortunately, you can only see the ordinance as it appeared in the paper if you subscribe to the print edition. The publication of the ordinance is legally required before a public hearing – which comes on September 12. But still, “your tax dollars at work?”

Is someone checking in on Harriet Lloyd? A few days ago, I reported on the incredible yarn RI Statewide Coalition leader Harriet Lloyd told WPRO’s John DePetro about an apparently imaginary assassination attempt Lloyd thinks the RI teachers’ union pulled on her. The Westerly Sun’s Chris Keegan did an excellent article debunking Lloyd’s wild claims. I just hope somebody was checking in on her on Tuesday when the tremors from the Virginia earthquake were felt in our area. We don’t want her to panic and think the teachers were coming to finish her off. And OMG, what is she going to do during the hurricane?

Rod Driver goes total Tea Party? Former State Representative Rod Driver (right) was always a little strong, though he could usually be counted on to be progressive on most issues. He retired before the 2010 election, opening up the seat for a bright new progressive Democrat, Larry Valencia, to take his place. In retirement, Driver apparently is indulging his strange side. According to recent campaign finance reports, Driver – nominally a Democrat – is one of Rhode Island’s largest campaign contributors ($1,800) to Republican crack-pot Presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX).

Avast, me hearties! My favorite holiday of the year is fast approaching. Every
September 19th the world celebrates Talk Like A Pirate Day. It’s a day when anybody can talk and behave like an idiot – and everyone will understand that you’re simply honoring the time-honored traditions of this hallowed day. Before September 19th, you should visit the official web site and check out all the terrific advice they offer for making this Talk Like a Pirate Day truly memorable.

Author: Will Collette