Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What ever happened to the CCA Wind Power poll?

From H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds"
illustrated by Henrique Alvim Correa
As Charlestown takes the historic step toward banning all forms of wind power, it’s worth reflecting on how far we’ve come since this became an issue in town.

After Larry LeBlanc proposed Whalerock, his industrial turbine wind farm, the Charlestown Citizens Alliance conducted a survey of its anonymous masses. In November 2009 – that’s less than two years ago – they released the results. As Linda Felaco noted, because of the CCA’s policy of total anonymity, we don’t know who took part in the survey, whether they actually live in Charlestown, or even if it was the same small group voting multiple times.

But the CCA presented the survey as a comprehensive snap-shot of Charlestown’s vox populi based on 224 responses.

Let's take a look at the results in the CCA's 2009 survey and compare them with where the CCA-controlled Charlestown government is taking us on the issue of wind power. The results are stunning.

Go to http://www.charlestowncitizens.org/survey/200911/ to see this survey on the CCA website (presuming they haven’t removed it) as well as all the comments.

Then ask yourself –
  • Why did the CCA NEVER again mention this survey as they drifted solidly into the NIMBY camp?
  • Why does the CCA do surveys if they are only going to ignore the results when they don't fit their agenda?
  • How did the CCA and its anonymous masses go from near consensus for wind power to an ordinance that BANS wind power in all its forms?
BONUS QUESTION: name one other community, in the United States, or anywhere in the world that has enacted a total ban on all wind-to-electricity devices?

Second BONUS QUESTION: How does your answer to the Bonus Question make you feel?

Author: Will Collette