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Frank Glista soliciting donations for maintenance of the Charlestown Naval Airfield Memorial |
And we weren't disappointed! Competing letters by Frank Glista and Jim Mageau in Tuesday's Sun set the tone for things to come.
Since the Westerly Sun is keeping the Letters behind their pay-wall on their website they are maximizing your reasons to purchase a subscription and I cannot reproduce all of Mr. Mageau's letter. But I can give you enough tidbits to tempt you to buy the paper.
Jim and Frank (if I may be casual) could not have coordinated their headlines better, both with a circus theme reflecting what we are likely to experience in Town Council meetings for the next year. Jim's was entitled NOW PLAYING IN CHARLESTOWN, A sideshow worthy of Ringling while Frank's was Circus is back in town.
Jim reprised some of the points in my popular Town Council Meeting Reflections article, including how Craig Marr of the Breachway Grill probably didn't deserve the Spanish Inquisition, of course in more colorful language.
But then Jim developed a new and novel interpretation of the Frick and Frack episode (that I also describe in that article), claiming, about Bill, that "It was obvious that he didn’t know the answer and that he was claiming to be offended by something that he didn’t know anything about." This observer concluded at the time that Bill saw no benefit in engaging in a verbal sparring match with Mr. Dolock. Spin, spin, spin. If you have not watched the video you can see it here.
Frank's letter to the editor, certainly in the mail at the same time as Jim's, is published here in its entirety since it was emailed to me also:
Circus is back in town
I wasn’t referring to the Big Apple Circus in which the Charlestown Chamber of
Commerce, through its Executive Director Heather Palliotta, was able to secure
this great event. Kudos to her.
Instead, I was referring to the political circus that took place at last Monday’s Charlestown Town Council meeting where Mr. James Mageau returned with his new act.
Month after month, I have been sitting at our council meetings hoping for some good ‘ole fashion excitement. Well, Jimmy didn’t let me down. Sitting in the front row with his arms crossed, looking like a nervous contestant for the show “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth-Grader,” anticipation was building.
The show really got going when his opening act, Mr. Joe Dolock, explained to the anxious crowd the history of the 1930s Swiss comedy ice skaters Frick and Frack, crucial town business I might add.
Mr. Mageau followed with his standard hootin’ and hollerin’ from the peanut gallery, but a cool, calm Town Council President,Tom Gentz , was not to be unraveled. Jimmy and Joey
had opening night jitters, and their performance fell flat. I suggest that the
comedy team of Dolock and Mageau refine their act and maybe add another clown.
After all, Wikipedia states, “Frick and Frack has become an English slang term
used in two ways.
One is to refer to two people so closely associated as to be indistinguishable; the other way is a term of derision for any two people, on par with calling one person ‘Bozo’ or three people ‘Stooges.’ ” I can’t wait to see their new act.
Frank Glista, Charlestown
Instead, I was referring to the political circus that took place at last Monday’s Charlestown Town Council meeting where Mr. James Mageau returned with his new act.
Month after month, I have been sitting at our council meetings hoping for some good ‘ole fashion excitement. Well, Jimmy didn’t let me down. Sitting in the front row with his arms crossed, looking like a nervous contestant for the show “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth-Grader,” anticipation was building.
The show really got going when his opening act, Mr. Joe Dolock, explained to the anxious crowd the history of the 1930s Swiss comedy ice skaters Frick and Frack, crucial town business I might add.
Mr. Mageau followed with his standard hootin’ and hollerin’ from the peanut gallery, but a cool, calm Town Council President,
One is to refer to two people so closely associated as to be indistinguishable; the other way is a term of derision for any two people, on par with calling one person ‘Bozo’ or three people ‘Stooges.’ ” I can’t wait to see their new act.
Article authored by Tom Ferrio.
Note: Frank Glista is a member of the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee, but I'll attempt to head off the inevitable comments by saying that the letter is not necessarily the opinion of the CDTC or its other members.
Note: Frank Glista is a member of the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee, but I'll attempt to head off the inevitable comments by saying that the letter is not necessarily the opinion of the CDTC or its other members.