Monday, September 19, 2011

Innovative affordable housing solution

The Russians call it the sleepbox. Our less rich residents could call it home. 

Okay, there's a few minor drawbacks like the lack of plumbing or heating. Though the Japanese have already developed a solution for the plumbing issue. And for heat, why not put in a coal-burning stove? At least it's not a wind turbine {shudder}. Seems to me it'd solve all of CCA's objections to affordable housing in one fell swoop. We're not giving away brand-new houses for free to undeserving deadbeats; all we're giving 'em is a box! Heck, for the price of building one house we could probably acquire the 200-however-many sleepboxes we'd need to reach our affordable housing mandate. We could fit them all on a single acre of land without giving up any of our precious open space! Win-win-win! 

By Linda Felaco