Sunday, October 9, 2011

More CCA “Vox Populi” on Red Light Cameras

“Whatever it is, I’m against it!”
By Will Collette
Though the Charlestown Citizens Alliance (CCA) has not e-mailed any more of its awful anonymous comments attacking the red light camera proposal currently in the works for Charlestown, they did post a new batch on their website comment section.

This batch was posted after the CCA published a copy of the letter from Colin Foote’s family that appeared in Progressive Charlestown.

As I have in the two previous collections of CCA comments attacking red light cameras (here and here), I include my comments, corrections and retorts (since the CCA thinks all opinions are equally valid and therefore takes no responsibility to either correct or challenge the writers)

I’m from Florida where we have Traffic Light Cameras and our town is trying to get out of the contract. The DMV was advised not to but chose to sign the contract anyway because it was going to be no cost to the town. The company that own [sic] and maintains the equipment get a percentage from each ticket and the town gets the balance of the money. What was over looked [sic] is that the police department had to put a patrolman full time on reviewing the video data before mailing the ticket. Also most of the people who pleaded not guilty and went to court were found to be not guilty, but the police department had to have someone retrieve the video data and go to court which used up a lot of man hours. So in the end the town ending up not making much money but the police department spent more time in court and not on the street. What I don’t like about Traffic Light Cameras it takes all human judgment out of to write a ticket or not and the company setting up the equipment has a incentive to generate more tickets because that’s how they get paid.

PC COMMENT: I don’t know where in Florida this person is from. Little details like that matter. There is a conflict of logic in this person’s logic. First s/he considers it a flaw that a police officer has to review the tape before authorizing the ticket. Then, s/he complains that red light cameras remove human discretion from the equation. Huh? What does s/he think the reviewing officer is doing? Besides, discretion in issuing moving violations is not such a great thing – ask Colin Foote’s family. It also leads to unequal treatment. As for people ticketed by cameras getting the ticket thrown out, the odds of getting a break on a ticket by showing up in court are very good for average drivers (though not for someone with a record like Laura Reale).

Well I guess that everyone has an opinion, however where are the facts!!?? Lots of supposition, “What if this”, and “What if that!!” And…. the beat goes on. I suppose one could post a police officer at each traffic light, and that would have the same affect/effect as a camera; only instant ticket instead of by mail!! Then there was the comment about a police officer from California stating, “You don’t want them !!” Well this is Charlestown, not California; and, maybe they didn’t work in California. Our area is unique, as in once upon the time Rt. 1 was state of the art for when it was built; however populations and modes of travel change drastically; more and faster vehicles. Then there was the comment about how everyone seemed to be obeying the law and driving carefully during the power outage during the hurricane. I personally know of one accident that occurred during the power outage at the junction of Rt. 1 and East Beach Road. That accident involved speed and damages ran into the $1000s of dollar, and… one person went to the hospital; that is fact!! Cameras only help to keep the honest people honest, that is it, and it is not any different than putting locks on doors or bars on windows. Cameras are going to be placed in the town at no expense to the taxpayer, why not see if they work!!?? We have a police chief who has worked for the Town of Charlestown for many years, and he knows the town and he knows the people who live and drive in the town. If he recommended the lights, perhaps it would be good if we supported him and let him do his job. If the cameras save one life, then it is all worth it. And.. thank you CCA I feel that the opinions are great and that an open forum is good for government, and I am glad that everyone has an opportunity to express their thoughts.

PC COMMENT: OK, Anonymous, I was with you until you had to put in the gratuitous compliment to the CCA for posting the ignorant and unsubstantiated comments you condemned at the beginning of your comments. That leads me to wonder if you’ve got a split personality, or just perhaps, you’re one of the CCA leaders trying to do damage control for the CCA’s irresponsibility on this issue.

The red light cameras are a win, win proposition! Anything to keep our streets safer is a smart move. I also wish to praise our police department and any one who attacks the integrity of our PD has nothing better to do with their time! Let’s provide support wher [sic] support is deserved and not paint an entire organization with the same brush. Keep in mind, one person or employee should not define an organization…….be clear and precise in your attacks!

PC COMMENT: I’ve noted before that when people put their name on what they write, even if it’s only a first name, they tend to be more thoughtful about what they say.

I would like to see signage that tells the idiots that are driving 80 miles an hour on my a.., [sic] that there are left hand turns on Rt 1! It seems to me that no one drives 5o mph, & if I try to obey the posted speed, others fly past me while I say prayers that they won’t smash into me.

PC COMMENT: OK, drivers on US Route 1 speed. Some go very fast, maybe too fast to stop in time at red lights. That’s one of the reasons why the cameras are needed. Not sure about this writer’s point.

That's it for today. As inevitable as the change of seasons, there will soon be more CCA anonymous comments. Will they keep blasting away at red light cameras or will they find some other targets, such as puppies and kittens?