Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Residential wind energy ordinance added to tonight's Council agenda

Possible small opening for very small turbines
Planning Commission takes baby step back from radical wind ban
By Will Collette

On tonight's Town Council agenda is the first reading of a new residential wind energy ordinance, Ordinance #344. Under fire for enacting the nation's first total wind energy ban at last month's Council, the Planning Commission has come forward with a small step back from that ban by proposing ways for homeowners to install small wind generators.

Over 35 feet? Fuggedaboddit!
The new definition of a residential-sized generator is now 20KW and a height of less than 125 feet.

Within this new category, the ordinance draws a distinction between very small generators that would be less than 35 feet off the ground or, if roof mounted, would extend no more than 10 feet above the roof line. These very small units would be allowed if you get a building permit and meet the terms and conditions of the ordinance.

If the residential generator height exceeds these height restrictions, it will require a Special Use Permit. The requirements for generators of this size closely resemble the onerous conditions included in the ordinance that preceded the total wind ban.

Ordinance #344 is a far from the deregulation of residential wind that the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee proposed to the Council last month.

The Ordinance almost makes it feasible for a homeowner to consider either a very low wattage ground-based turbine (>35 feet) or one of the new roof mounted generators.

But the restrictions Ordinance 344 places on residential wind generators that might have a chance to actually power a home are still designed to discourage their use - essentially a back-door ban or, put another way, a sham permitting process.

Since this new language is only recently added to the agenda, I suggest you the ordinance yourself and either come to the meeting or watch on Clerkbase. I will have a more detailed analysis in the next few days.