Saturday, December 17, 2011

Arrowhead Dental receives inaugural Hometown Hero award

The good folks of Arrowhead Dental at Town Hall
Monday night to receive their award.
Normally, I'm not big on symbolic gestures; I'm more the practical type. But when Lisa DiBello proposed the creation of a Hometown Hero award to honor service to the town and suggested that the inaugural award go to Arrowhead Dental Associates for their annual Free Dentistry Day, I thought that's a really great idea. I had, after all, benefited from Free Dentistry Day myself, so I knew they were more than deserving of it.

The award was presented at Monday night's town council meeting to a standing-room-only crowd. Alas, by the time I arrived I was not even able to squeeze into the room and ended up out in the hallway and couldn't get a photo, so I had to borrow one from their Facebook page. Councilor DiBello presented a plaque to Arrowhead and another with space for names of future award winners to be added in that will stay in Town Hall. All in all, the most pleasant proceeding I've witnessed at Town Hall.

By Linda Felaco