Saturday, December 17, 2011


Common thread among GOP Prez contenders – they don’t practice what they preach
By Will Collette
The Los Angeles Times reports that Texas Governor Rick Perry – yes, the same clown who called Social Security a “Ponzi Scheme” – collects almost $92,000 a year as the result of taking early retirement from the state of Texas WHILE STILL employed as Governor. His salary as Governor is just under a quarter million dollars.

Perry started collecting his state pension earlier this year (January 31).

Perry, who is now 61, also still owes between $100,000 and $250,000 in an outstanding student loan that he took out to send his son Perry to Vanderbilt University.

These disclosures were made in Perry’s disclosure statement to the Federal Election Commission.

Perry told ABC News, "I think it’d be rather foolish to not access what you’ve earned."