Monday, December 19, 2011

Redistricting maps OK'd - big changes for Charlestown

New legislative boundaries approved - General Assembly must give final OK
By Will Collette

Tonight, the state redistricting commission approved new maps redrawn to meet the legal requirement that all districts contain the same number of people.

The Commission approved "House alternative D, as amended." This map moves the boundary line between District 36 (Rep. Donna Walsh) and District 39 (Rep. Larry Valencia northward so that all of Charlestown would be represented by Rep. Walsh.

The Commission also approved Senate alternative E, as amended." Under this new map, Sen. Dennis Algiere keeps his stronghold (Westerly) intact, but gives up the northern half of Charlestown to Sen. Frank Maher.

Algiere, a moderate Republican, would see his new district strung out along the coast almost all the way to Wakefield. Maher, a conservative Republican, would go from representing only the northeastern corner of Charlestown to around half of town, all the way down to the north shore of Watchaug Pond.

I'll have more analysis of the effects of the change in the district lines, in Charlestown and the rest of South County tomorrow.

To see all of the maps, click here. Here are the new maps for South County's House and Senate districts:
