Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jimmy Speak Take #2

For our visitors and part-time residents, a handy phrase sheet
[Editor's note: a version of this letter was also sent to and was published by the Westerly Sun]
By Frank Glista

In the November 24th Westerly Sun article, Town Formalizing Ninigret "Friends", Mr. James Mageau accuses myself and others of a conspiracy to "bilk" the Rhythm & Roots festival attendees out of about $24.00 in donations towards "The Friends of Ninigret Park."  Yup, you read it correctly...$24.00.  I'm sure that Mr. Mageau envisions me chained, shackled and doing time up at the ACI.  But before I respond any further, I think this calls for another attempt at....you guessed it...."Jimmy Speak".

Now, for those of you who don't remember, "Jimmy Speak" is Mr. Mageau's tireless use of the same descriptive language over and over and over....well you get it.  Ready, here we go.

"He that falls in love with himself shall have
no rivals."
"Jimmy Speak" take #2 (Let's pretend Jimmy is talking about himself.  All "Jimmy Speak" is underlined.)

In 1994, I created a dog and pony show called "West Fest".  It was nothing more than smoke and mirrorsThere is incontrovertible evidence that I "bilked" the Town of Charlestown (the taxpayers) out of $10,532.83 in user fees.  How patently absurd.  

The public record clearly shows that when I agreed to that contract, I was speaking out of both sides of my mouth.  Where's the red flag?  This egregious violation shouts volumes about my ability as a promoter which doesn't pass the smell testI find it interesting that my character is shot full of holes.....again.

Wow, two for two.

NOTE:  A "Friends of Ninigret Park" ordinance #345, was passed by the Charlestown Town Council on December 19, 2011 by a 4 - 1 margin.  Council Member DiBello voting against.