Thursday, January 5, 2012

Political Irony

Raimondo gets right-wing award in NY the same day news breaks that her business has left RI
By Will Collette

Rhode Island's savior and #1 union-buster Gina Raimondo (DINO) was in New York today receiving an award from the super-right-wing Manhattan Institute for her victory in cutting public worker pensions.

Also today, the Providence Business News reports that Point Judith Capital, the venture capital firm that Raimondo founded and ran until she gave it up to run for General Treasurer has moved out of Rhode Island to its new home on Congress Street in Boston.

When Raimondo was running for General Treasurer, she talked about founding Point Judith Capital in Rhode Island, rather than in Massachusetts where most the partners live. “I wanted to create a company, create a business in Rhode Island. I could’ve chosen to put it elsewhere, but I wanted it in Providence. So I came home,” 

Her successor Sean Marsh, told the Providence Business News that it was just a matter of logistics - cutting the commuting time for the majority of the partners who still live in Massachusetts. He says that Point Judith Capital is still committed to "actively investing in Rhode Island."

Except not so much.