Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Power from the sun

 This is not a paid advertisement, wish it was.
by Tom Ferrio

Last week I gave you an update on our quest for solar energy. Today they came to start the installation of our solar energy system.

Two pallets of material arrived by truck at 8 am. It doesn't take up much space - the cost per cubic foot is pretty high.

The pallet on the right holds 22 solar panels. The one on the left holds the electrical equipment. The long box holding the mounting rails is barely visible on the floor behind the pallets.
Here are a couple of the solar panels stacked on the floor. You can click to enlarge.

It didn't take long to get the mounting rails installed on the roof.

By noon they were starting to install the panels on the rails.

By 1 pm they had the panels all installed

Coming up next, the electrical installation.