Friday, March 2, 2012

REMINDER: CRAC in the Town Council Chambers TODAY

Charter Revision group re-schedules meeting
By Will Collette

The gang that couldn't think straight, our town's Charter Revision Advisory Committee (CRAC) has set the date and time for the meeting they were supposed to hold on February 28. The meeting will be held in the Town Council Chambers on Friday, March 2 at 3 PM.

The 3 PM meeting time will cut into attendance, since many of the most articulate critics of the CRAC at Monday's public hearing on CRAC's proposed Charter changes have day jobs.

CRAC Chair Mary O'Connor
Monday night's public hearing was a very bad outing for the CRAC team. Their proposal to put seven Charter changes before the voters next November drew a good-sized audience for such an arcane subject and, except for the husband of one of the committee members, the audience universally panned their seven proposals as either unnecessary or potentially harmful to the town.

CRAC chair Mary O'Connor told the audience at several points during the Monday hearing that the CRAC would meet the following day to discuss what they heard. The only problem is that somebody forgot that under the Town Charter and state law, you have to give public notice of a meeting 48 hours in advance, so the February 28 meeting had to be scrapped.

Details, details.