Monday, February 13, 2012

Is the fix in on the YMCA Camp deal?

The Charlestown Citizens Alliance calls Town Council meeting a "CCA Event"
By Will Collette

In one of its increasingly rare e-mails to its list, the Charlestown Citizens Alliance sent a message Sunday morning to invite people to attend a "Charlestown Citizens Alliance Event." 

And what is that event? Why, none other than tonight's Charlestown Town Council meeting where the CCA hopes its controlling majority - Council President Tom Gentz, Vice-President Dan Slattery and their ally Lisa DiBello - will do their bidding.

A lot is on the line tonight. You can see the issues of greatest interest to the CCA in their e-mail.

The big items is the proposed $475,000 heist of Charlestown tax payer money to buy the old YMCA Camp to give to the Charlestown Land Trust for the benefit and use of the Sonquipaug Association.

Since Dan Slattery has always recused himself from any votes regarding this property (he's an abutter), the CCA will have to try some different formula to get three votes to approve this gross misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

We'll see how many of their supporters respond to this message: