Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bonfire at Amos Green Farm

"I thought a bonfire would be more scary"
by Tom Ferrio

It was an appropriate cloudy and chilly-but-not-cold day for the Charlestown Land Trust bonfire at the Amos Green farm.

A cheery and talkative group turned out to celebrate the traditional spring farm activity of gathering the brush and disposing of it.

See more pictures below the break.

Click to enlarge
I was able to get a briefing on 2012 plans for the Charlestown Farmers' Market, sponsored by the Land Trust, Historical Society and the Cross Mills Public Library.

The warm weather has got me thinking about Farmers' Markets and we'll be publishing a preview article in the next couple days.

"The fire is getting more impressive now!"
In keeping with our Lenten Peeps theme, there were a couple of special, and sugar-free, visitors at this year's bonfire. This was unfamiliar territory for them and the more experienced humans warned them about fires.

"Don't get too close!"

When talk shifted to raffling off the Peeps as a Land Trust fundraiser they quickly decided it was time to go home.