Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Farmers' Markets gearing up for the 2012 season

by Tom Ferrio

Our local and nearby farmers' markets are working hard to give you the best market choices and special events in the 2012 season.

Build your anticipation for the summer markets by reading past the break.

I know it's early but this fine weather is making me look forward to our summer activities. I'm already taking the dogs to the beach frequently so why not think about our farmers' markets, especially when changes are being planned.

Charlestown Farmers' Market

The Charlestown Farmers' Market, sponsored by the Land Trust, the Historical Society and the Cross Mills Public Library, has had their popular markets on Friday morning for several years at the Cross Mills Public Library. Police Chief Shippee has decided that the combination of traffic and pedestrians at that location is too dangerous and he will not issue a permit to have the market at that location this year.

So the Charlestown Farmers Market is moving down the road and will be held on the grounds of the Church of the Holy Spirit (The Episcopal Church, 4150 Old Post Road, across from Washington Trust). This must be disappointing for Kate at Mills' Creek and for the Historical Society which was looking forward to welcoming market visitors to their new Museum and historic schoolhouse. But it's always good to have a happy police Chief.

The scheduled opening day for the Charlestown Farmers Market is June 22, timed to be just after school lets out. As in previous years, the hours will 9 am until noon. Linda Boback informs me that they have lined up more vendor booths and are putting a program of special events in place.

The Charlestown Farmers' Market has a Facebook page and information at the Charlestown Land Trust website. As this is being written, their pages are not yet updated for 2012.

Cross Mills Farmers Market

Last year was the first season for the Cross Mills Farmers Market, at 4219 Old Post Road, across from the new Cross Mills Fire Station. It got off to a slow start, with limited vendors, but they kept at it through the summer.

This year they are expanding to three days per week and they already list an impressive number and variety of vendors (including Allie's Donuts!). Opening day for this market will be Friday May 5. Hours will be Fridays 3 to 9 pm, Saturdays 9 am to 3 pm, and Sundays 10 am to 2 pm.

Richmond Farmers Market

This Saturday morning market, at the north end of Route 112 (5 Richmond Townhouse Rd., Richmond), is a bit of a drive but is very popular for the range of vendors and their special events. Opening day will be May 12 and the market will run from 9 am until 12:30 pm.

More information is available on their website. Their schedule of special events is already finalized here.