Wednesday, March 7, 2012

OMGPD: A Speeding Firefighter, A Wannabe Officer and a Man Named Law

Some of the more intriguing police reports from around the region.
Where’s the Fire?
A Woonsocket firefighter was arrested last week after he allegedly sped away from Charlie O’s. The 22-year-old Wakefield resident who works for the Woonsocket Fire Department was allegedly clocked at 68 mph in a 45 mph zone and was seen weaving in and out of traffic without using his turn signal. The firefighter told police he was leaving Charlie O’s, a bar in Narragansett, where he drank five to six beers. His blood alcohol content allegedly measured at 0.194 percent during a preliminary breath test. He is being charged with drunken driving.

A Man Named Law Gets Arrested…Again
A Johnston man is facing felony domestic assault charges and a slew of other charges after allegedly assaulting a woman who was driving him to his cousin’s house. This isn’t the first run-in with the law for this 26-year-old man, whose last name happens to be “Law.” According to online legal records, Law was also charged with domestic assault charges last year, as well as a bevy of charges since 2004 – including making crank or obscene phone calls, larceny, possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana, and others.  He was remanded to the ACI after he was unable to post the $50,000 bail.

DUI Suspect’s Blood Alcohol Tests Four Times the Legal Limit
One Harrisville man is going to have a tough time explaining how “a couple of drinks” at a Woonsocket bar could result in a blood alcohol level well over the legal limit. Exactly how high was this blood alcohol? According to police, the 23-year-old man blew a .256 percent – four times the legal limit – during a Breathalyzer test after he was pulled over for speeding. Police also allegedly found marijuana in the man’s car. He faces DUI charges and possession of marijuana while driving.

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman (Allegedly) Scorned
One Woonsocket man is learning what can happen when a relationship ends badly. After the breakup, the man allegedly determined that his ex-girlfriend had sought revenge, aided by her roommate, by vandalizing. He learned this after her roommate bragged about the incident at a party. Though the two women initially denied the crime, the roommate later allegedly confessed to it, but insisted she did nothing more than cover the hood with bologna slices. Since the bologna did not cause permanent damage, the roommate was not charged. Her partner in crime, however, faces charges of vandalism.
Man Tells Bartender ‘I’m a Cop’
One Portsmouth man, desperate to stay at the bar this past week, allegedly told the bartender that he was a police officer. According to the bartender, the 43-year-old man was intoxicated and told her three times that he was an undercover cop and that she had blown his cover. The bartender also told officers that the man flashed an identification card and said, “I’m a police officer.” Except he wasn’t. Police later found the man at his home and arrested him on charges of impersonating a police officer, disorderly conduct and willful trespass.

Man Allegedly Kicks in Door, Hides with Drugs in Stranger’s Bathroom
A Newport resident got a rude awakening this week when an intoxicated stranger reportedly entered his home. According to police, a 37-year-old man from Middletown knocked on the door of a Newport residence at 7:30 a.m. and then kicked in the door. When police arrived, the man had locked himself in the bathroom. Police entered the bathroom and allegedly found cocaine and a rolled up dollar on the sink, along with a bag of marijuana and more cocaine hidden beneath a towel. The man was brought to the hospital after officers used a Taser on him.