Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reminder: Dancing in the dark

Planning Commission to hold its 1,437th session on Dark Sky Ordinance
Peeps love Charlestown's dark sky.
Enter Progressive Charlestown's
First Annual Peeps Contest
By Will Collette

Yet another not-to-be-missed performance of the Charlestown Planning Commission talking about their all mixed up dark sky ordinance will take place tonight at the Charlestown Town Hall at 7 PM.

The session will be in the Town Council chambers. The meeting is expected to be preserved for posterity and for your home-viewing pleasure on Clerkbase

With all of the drama and unpredictability of a Cher Farewell Tour concert, the plucky PCers will take their last official look at their deeply flawed dark sky ordinance

That's not the full moon on steroids. It's our own Town Hall parking lot.
Time for the town to practice what it preaches.

After that, it will be up to the Town Council at its March 12 meeting to decide what to do with it.

You can read as much as you wish about the current problems with the ordinance, as written. Start with this article and follow the links.

You can also start taking your own steps to save energy and money by being a good dark-sky friendly neighbor by reading here.