Monday, March 12, 2012

Tonight - Town Council rumble

Town Council meeting tonight could be epic!
"This is taxpayer money - let's have some FUN!"
By Will Collette

Tonight at 7 PM in the Charlestown Elementary School, the Town Council will hold what could be one of its most surreal meetings to date.

This meeting WILL NOT BE TELEVISED - the Elementary School is not wired for Clerkbase live-streaming. So you can't sit at home and watch it in your Snuggies chugging 40's and laughing (or crying) while it plays out on your computer screen. It will be live and lively, but only at the School.

There will be two mega-battles: one over the badly botched Dark Sky ordinance and the other over Council Vice-President Deputy Dan Slattery (CCA) and his legislative temper tantrum – his plan to punish Parks & Recreation by moving to end most activity at Ninigret Park except of course for the Frosty Drew Observatory, our sacred temple to the dark sky.

Council President Tom Gentz (CCA) will "have the conversation" about greasing geese, and may even do a live demonstration. No video would ever be able to do justice to that.

There will be some under-the-radar items that will be discussed during the Council's secret Executive Session. One item on that agenda is Councilor Lisa DiBello's lawsuit against the town and nine present and former town officials. With a new ruling from the Ethics Commission, the Council will now have a three-member quorum enabling them to at least discuss the town's options for responding to DiBello v. Charlestown.

Then there's a mystery item on the Executive Session agenda. It's listed as "(5) Potential Land Acquisition." Could this be the Y-Gate deal? Is it a renewed effort to buy LarryLand? Is it about the old Cross Mills Fire Station? Or does some other crony of the CCA have a piece of junk land to sell the town?

On the public meeting agenda, but on the "Consent Agenda" for approval without discussion is a major hike in the cost of beach passes. There is some chance the Council may take this item off the Consent Agenda and open it up to public discussion.

Anyway, come out to the Charlestown Elementary School at 7 PM tonight to see the greatest show in town.