Sunday, April 8, 2012

Peeps Contest winner announced

And the winner is….

Ann Onymous! Ann is a regular Progressive Charlestown reader who spends most of the year in her gorgeous oceanside estate in Stuart, Florida, with her husband Phillip and their four pet Corgis.

She and Phillip make Stuart, FL, their permanent residence because, as Ann puts it, “They understand that the best way to attract people of our station is to make it worth our while. … We especially love the fact that we get a double Homestead tax exemption on our Florida home.” 

She comes up to Charlestown in the summertime where she and Phillip have a lovely 24-room summer cottage on Quonochontaug Beach.

You may remember Ann from last summer, when Progressive Charlestown interviewed her during the battle over whether town voters should approve the building of new sanitary facilities at our two town beaches.

She sent in her entry from Florida, but is expected to arrive in Charlestown any day now to open up the summer house.

Please continue to see Ann’s winning entry in Progressive Charlestown's First (and Maybe Last) Annual Peeps® Contest…