Sunday, April 8, 2012

Progressive Charlestown hits 200,000

Another milestone

Sometime early Saturday morning, the odometer for Progressive Charlestown’s “pageviews” hit and passed 200,000. Contrary to legend, your PC crew does not work 24/7, so we missed the actual event.

It took us 10 months – till November 28 – to generate our first 100,000 pageviews. It only took a little more than four months for us to get our second 100,000. That gave us an average actual readership of over 770 a day, including the normally slower weekends.

“Pageviews” means the number of times a reader actually clicked on an article to open up a “page.” It usually takes a lot of “hits” to actually generate a “pageview,” which is why we count them. We actually care about how many times people decide to read what we write, and not just how many people visit the site.

We have now run 1670 articles and published 2,144 comments while rejecting 493 (we’re pretty sure that most of those 493 come from the same four or five people).

We devoted over 400 articles to covering the Charlestown Town Council, the CCA, the Planning Commission and our town’s colorful politics and political characters.

We’ve done a lot of investigative reporting and sharp commentary that has won us a loyal readership largely comprised of people who like what we find and say, and others who are pretty pissed off at us.

We also managed to squeeze in 188 humor pieces, ran a Peeps® contest, and reported on bonfires, new businesses, seal releases, food and culture, and energy and environmental issues.

We’ve watched and reported on the weather, the wonders of our skies, the beauty of our land and waters and its native wildlife, and the liveliness of the people.

Charlestown is a small, tightly knit community. Sometimes it seems a little too tightly wrapped, but one of our missions at Progressive Charlestown is to not only tell the truth and call people out, but to make you laugh.

Charlestown is a tough audience – our town is not especially famous for its sense of humor – but we enjoy writing for you because we like the challenge.

Thank you for reading Progressive Charlestown.