During April of last year a crew of able bodied individuals were putting up fencing and gates. By May they were planting donated seedlings and seeds and before long donated produce was going to the seniors in the Community Center, RICAN, and the Johnnycake in Westerly – almost 2000 lbs we estimate.
This April you can stand in the fenced-in area and look around
– in awe of all that was accomplished last year and excited about what is going
to happen this year. There are buds on
the thirty blueberry bushes planted last summer; there is a nice thick layer of
rotted manure covering last year’s growing areas plus many more square feet. Seedlings are coming up in the new hoop house and the materials are there to build another raised bed – just waiting for the time and labor to put it together and
fill it with soil and plants.
What is needed most at this point is volunteers from the community to help tend the soil, learn the wonders of organic
sustainable gardening, share in the camaraderie of working with friends, neighbors
and strangers, and enjoy the out of doors.
No experience necessary! There are lots of different jobs to do to keep
a garden growing. Even if you aren’t interested in gardening,
there are other tasks that might be more to your liking and/or skills.
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We will be working on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
mornings starting at 10 am until whenever we want to give up for the day,
weather permitting. Bring your own favorite gardening tools (if you have some)
and some water. Sunscreen, bug spray and
a hat are recommended. If you aren’t available during the scheduled hours, call (364-6998 or 364-9955) or email the Community Center and add your name to our email list and we will
be in touch about how we can include you. We are often there working beyond the
scheduled days and times.
It takes a village to grow and donate tons of food. Come join us and be part of a community-wide