Monday, June 4, 2012

Bigger, better recycling program is HERE!

R.I.'s New Recycling System at a Curb Near You
By TIM FAULKNER/ News staff

The wait is over. The new statewide recycling program called "Recycle Together RI" is up and running. 
The single-stream system means that all recyclables — plastic, paper, cardboard and glass — can be mixed in the same bin. The color of the bin doesn't matter.

Most Rhode Island households were recently mailed a magnet and information card from the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation explaining the new recycling "Dos" and "Don'ts."

The most significant change is that more plastic items can now be recycled. Previously, only No. 1 and No. 2 bottles with narrower tops were recycled. Now, nearly plastic containers can be recycled.

Here are the changes:

Rhode Island's new single-stream recycling system is
running in every city and town. (Tim Faulkner/ecoRI News)
Collected recyclables
  • Any plastic container less than 2 gallons, including plastic planters.
  • To-go containers and "clam shells."
  • Yogurt cups.
  • Plastic egg cartons.
  • Coffee cups and lids.
  • Wrapping and tissue paper.
  • Cardboard, newspaper, magazines and junk mail.
  • Clean, non-greasy portions of pizza boxes.

Click here for compete list.

Glass bottles and jars are collected, but not recycled. Broken glass should go in your trash bin.

Not recyclable, don't place in bin
  • Frozen food boxes.
  • Cardboard six-pack holders.
  • Soda and beer cases.
  • Coat hangers.
  • Small plastic items such as straws and toothbrushes.
  • Soda and beer caps.
  • Small pieces of metal.

For more information, click here.

Businesses should check with their waste hauler about other changes.

A ceremony for the new $16.9 million sorting system will be held June 6 at the Central Landfill in Johnston.