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Monday, June 4, 2012

Donna Walsh launches re-election campaign, new website

Rep. Donna Walsh announces bid for re-election
 News release from Rep. Donna Walsh

With the greatest respect to the voters of the 36th District, today I am announcing my candidacy for re-election to the Rhode Island House of Representatives.

I am asking the voters of Charlestown, Block Island, South Kingstown and Westerly to re-elect me based on my past record of achievement and my vision for the future well-being of the citizens of South County.

I pledge to continue to fight for economic growth, small business development and thriving family farms. I will continue to lead the battle to make our roadways safer. I will continue to fight to protect our environment.

I have worked to make South County a better place by listening to my constituents’ needs, and then acting on their behalf. In just the past year, this work paid off: I secured the state funding to get the Charlestown Breachway dredging done, which makes Ninigret Pond a healthier waterway. I pushed RIDOT to finally carry out its repaving of Route 1A.

I expect to be making the announcement very soon about RIDEM’s final regulations regarding septic system replacement. These new regulations will provide a more reasonable way for homeowners to replace failed septic systems or install new ones at less cost, without endangering our salt ponds.

I believe that the best way, perhaps the only way, for Rhode Island’s economy to get back on track is to put people back to work. That is one reason why I am especially proud of the infrastructure projects I have brought to South County.

But we also need to help small businesses get started, survive and grow. I have led efforts to change Rhode Island tax policy to relieve the burdens on struggling small businesses, including our family farms.

For Rhode Island to work its way out of its economic troubles, we need a trained and educated workforce to meet the demands of the 21st century. Even in these times of budget crisis, we must remember that stinting on education and training will only guarantee our troubles will continue for another generation.

I have spent my entire adult life in the service of the people of South County, as a public school teacher, as an elected municipal and state office holder and as a volunteer to our many area civic organizations.

I am looking forward to serving the new voters who have been added to District 36 through the redistricting process. Since nearly all of them are in the northern half of Charlestown, I know many of them already as my friends and neighbors.

I ask the voters of Charlestown, Block Island, South Kingstown and Westerly for their support. Send me back to the RI House of Representatives and I will continue the work I have started, always mindful of your needs and interests.

I have also launched a new website where you can find details on my record, my platform and more about who I am as a person. Please go to or follow me on Facebook.