Sunday, June 3, 2012

If you are a Facebook user, beware

Hundreds of words you should NEVER use on Facebook
By Will Collette

The Department of Homeland Security trolls the internet to search for signs and warnings of terrorist activity. That’s not surprising and, indeed, since preventing terrorism is part of Homeland Security’s job, what better place for them to be looking than the internet.

But what is surprising is what draws Homeland Security’s attention. The Department was compelled to release the following information after a lawsuit by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

The documents show that Homeland Security staff weren’t just looking for terrorists but were instructed to look for comments or media reports with disparaging remarks about the agency.

The department's 2011 'Analyst's Desktop Binder' used by workers at their National Operations Center also contains lists of words that staff are instructed to watch for when they are monitoring the internet, especially social media sites like Facebook.

You’ll be amazed at some of the words you really should not use when you’re on-line. Read on to see the words that might put you on Homeland Security's radar....