Thursday, June 7, 2012

What the June 11 Town Council agenda will REALLY look like

For your convenience, an agenda that shows the actual order in which items will be heard
The return of Y-Gate, the Issue that Wouldn't Die
The Un-Dead Want their Open Space amid the Y Camp ruins
By Will Collette

Monday night's Town Council meeting is loaded to the rafters with controversy - the Y-Gate Scandal, the Battle for Ninigret Park, the lighting ordinance, Ruth Platner's ultimate power grab, the CRACers' Charter revision proposals, special guest speakers and lots of B-list items.

One frustration for regular Town Council meeting goers (and Clerkbase viewers) is that the Council always changes the order of business so that the meetings never run the way they are listed on the agenda. So, to remedy that annoying problem, I have re-arranged the council agenda to list the agenda items in the order in which they will be actually heard. Click here for a printer-friendly version.

I have also added notations and highlighting to flag agenda items that are likely to be controversial or interesting. In the version below, I have included links to previous articles and documents.

As of Town Hall close of business at 4:30 PM today, there were no posted links to the actual documents the Town Council will use to deliberate on these issues. There are also no Clerkbase links to their June 6 agenda meeting so you can hear how they discussed this agenda. I guess you'll get those links when the town thinks you have a "need to know."

TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING – June 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Charlestown Town Hall, 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI

The regular monthly meeting of the Charlestown Town Council will be held on June 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Charlestown Town Hall, 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI The proposed agenda is as follows:

1.         CALL TO ORDER, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance

2.         ROLL CALL
Motion to move items 17a, 15c, 8a, 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d, 11c, 11d, and 12 to be heard next on the agenda.

ACTUAL ORDER OF BUSINESS, after the above agenda moves are approved (agenda items that have been moved from other parts of the agenda are shaded gray):

a.               Acceptance of Col. Jack M. Shippee’s retirement, effective June 5, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. and presentation of commemorative plaque

15.       c.               Commendation for Joseph S. Dolock

8.         NEW BUSINESS
a.               Presentation by Elyse LaForest of the U.S. National Park Service  NOTE: LaForest is the official who has actual jurisdiction over the 172 acres of Ninigret Park where town uses must “not be inconsistent with” the neighboring National Wildlife Refuge. She would be the key link in the decision chain if the federal government wanted to take back Ninigret Park.

a.               Public hearing and potential action regarding the application for a Class BV Full beverage license: CRAIG T. MARR d/b/a “The Breachway Grill LLC” to apply to premises located at 1 Charlestown Beach Road – Class BV Full. Designated Premises: Indoor Restaurant Space and Outdoor Patio Space only; daily from 11:00 am to 1:00 am. NOTE: in past Council meetings, Boss Tom Gentz has mounted personal attacks on this establishment.

b.               Public hearing and potential action regarding the application for a Class BT (Tavern) beverage license: G.J.S.I., Inc to apply to premises located at 4115A&B Old Post Road – Class BT (Tavern). Designated Premises: G.J.S.I. Tavern and Inn, patio area abutting tavern enclosed by tarmac and stone wall, snack bar and patio area in front of the snack bar/house and lawn abutting the Inn towards the northeast.  No service easterly from tarmac and rear of snack bar to US Route 1; daily from 11:00 am to 1:00 am. – NOTE: this is the General Stanton Inn

c.               (If item 10b is approved,) Motion to set the following cap on beverage licenses within the Town of Charlestown:

Class A: 2; Class B Full: 5; Class B Limited: 3;   Class B Tavern: 2; Class D: 1
d.               Discussion and potential action regarding the request from Ocean Community YMCA for a Class F Beverage License for a fundraising event for premises located at 160 Prosser Trail (Camp Watchaug) on September 14, 2012 from 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. subject to receipt of all required paperwork and stipulations and rules and regulations as required by the Liquor Control Administration and the Town Council.  NOTE: this is the same YMCA that would get $730,000 through the Y-Gate scam. If it was up to me, I would charge them $398,000 for this license.

11.                   c.               Approval of the application for a Peddler License from First Bite Bakery, subject to receipt of all required paperwork.

d.               Approval of the application for a Hawkers License from The Dog Pound, subject to receipt of all required paperwork. NOTE: this is the same Dog Pound that just lost its monopoly on the town beach concessions. Its owner Deborah Dellolio is Councilor Lisa DiBello’s housemate and business associate

12.       CONSENT AGENDA All items marked with “CA” are to be considered consent agenda
Motion to accept, approve and place on file the following as the consent agenda: 11a, 11b, 13a, 13b, 17b, 17c, 17d, 17e, 17g, 18a, 18b, 18c, 18d, 18e, 18f, 18g, 18h, 18i and 18j. NOTE: that means that the Council has agreed in advance to approve all of the following items without discussion or debate.

“CA” a.     Approval of the application for the renewal of a Peddler’s License from Carpenter’s Farm to sell produce at 4156 South County Trail, subject to receipt of all required paperwork.

“CA” b.     Approval of the application for the renewal of an Entertainment License from Johnny Angel’s Clam Shack, Saturday through Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Tuesday through Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. subject to receipt of all required paperwork. NOTE: this is the establishment that out-bid the Dog Pound and broke the Dog Pound’s monopoly over town beach concessions.

“CA” a.     Town Council Minutes: April 23 (Executive and Regular); May 7 (Budget Public Hearing); May 9 (Agenda and Red Light Camera Workshop); May 14 (Executive and Regular); May 21 (Executive); May 23 (Executive)

“CA” b.     Reports: Building Official, May 2012; Chief of Police, May 2012; Public Works Director, May 2012; Town Clerk, May 2012; Treasurer, April 2012

17.       “CA” b.     Appointment of Robert Smith to the Coastal Pond Management Commission with a term expiration of March 2015 and a recommendation from Rob Lyons, Chair

“CA” c.     Appointment of Susie Fehrmann to the Parks and Recreation Commission with a term expiration of January 2015.

“CA” d.     Appointment of Denise Hertmann to the Ninigret Park Dog Park with a term expiration of November 2014

CA”e.      Acceptance of the resignation of Kenneth Smith and Megan Berndt from the Juvenile Hearing Board with regret.

 “CA” g. Acceptance of the resignation of Whitney Frost from the Coastal Pond Management Commission with regret.

“CA” a.     Award of the Red Light Camera Enforcement System to Sensys America, Inc. for a cost of $4,350 per approach per month for the three year term of the contract with a cost neutrality guaranty. NOTE: this is the vendor that falsely claimed it was a local, 100% American business. They are neither (they are the American vendor for a Swedish company – they are headquartered in MiamiMiami, FL, not Miami, Rhode Island). Given their deceptive presentation, it’s hard to understand why this item is being slipped through under the “Consent Agenda.”

“CA” b.     Award of the Heating Fuel and Maintenance Service Bid to Ginger’s Service Station, Inc., with a recommendation from the Director of Public Works (funding to come from line item 01.620.6020 for fuel and 01.620.6040 for maintenance and repairs).

“CA” c.     Award of the Roll Off Hauling Bid to R.P.E. Waste Services for a two-year period for a rate of $170.00 per trip to Johnston and $175 for the additional year per trip to Johnston, with a recommendation from the Director of Public Works (funding as budgeted in the Charlestown Residential Collection Center Budget from line item 05.000.6055 for waste and 05.000.6060 for recycling).

“CA” d.     Award of the Water Systems Management Bid to Millenium Water, LLC for an amount not to exceed $ 8,366.00 with a recommendation from the Director of Public Works (funding as budgeted in the Building and Grounds Professional Services Budget from line item 01.630.6065).

“CA” e.     Award of the Senior/Community Center Cleaning Bid to Mark Russo for $30 per day regular rate and $45 per diem emergency rate with a recommendation from the Senior/Community Center Director (funding as budgeted to come from line item 01.800.6065).

“CA” f.     Award of the Construction Materials and Services, with a recommendation from the Director of Public Works (funding as budgeted to come from the General Fund).

“CA” g.     Extension of DPW Professional Trade Services contract – Carpenter to C&C Investments, Inc. with funding to come from the Building and Grounds Professional Services line item (01.630.6065)

“CA” h.     Request from the Tax Assessor to rescind abatements in the amount of $200.00

“CA” i.      Approval of the Johnson Control contract

“CA” j.      Approval of the Online Mooring contract

3.         PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the Agenda


a.               Charlie Vandemoer – Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge and Ninigret Town Park NOTE: Vandemoer, our federal overseer, will no doubt try to justify his actions over Ninigret Park. Lots of luck.

b.               James M. Mageau – The Severance Agreement signed by for Town Administrator, William DiLibero and the Town NOTE: most likely he will speak against the severance agreement. There’s a 1,000,000-to-1 chance he might ask that DiLibero’s severance be increased match the 13 months severance the Town of Narragansett just gave its Town Manager who was forced out in a manner similar to DiLibero.

c.               Bonnie Van Slyke – the history of Ninigret Park

a.               Town Administrator

b.               Town Solicitor NOTE: Solicitor Peter Ruggiero is supposed to report on what the town’s two deeds to Ninigret Park actually say and mean. Not known if he will actually do that at this point.

a.               Discussion of and potential action regarding a Memorandum of Understanding with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a Ninigret Park Stakeholder NOTE this is Deputy Dan Slattery’s dream of putting all of Ninigret Park under the jurisdiction of US Fish & Wildlife Charlie Vandemoer.

a.               Public hearing and potential action regarding Ordinance #347 amending Chapter 218 Zoning, Section 75 Nuisances, D Lighting and Chapter 155 Nuisances, Article III Lighting, Section 15. NOTE: this is supposed to be a substantially watered down version of the famous dark-sky lighting ordinance

b.               Public hearing and potential action regarding Ordinance #349 amending Chapter 218 – Zoning, Historic Village District and Development Plan Review. NOTE: this is Planning Commissar Ruth Platner’s ultimate power grab.

c.               Public hearing and potential action regarding a CDBG request for the Edwards Lane project preagreement funds in the amount of $130,000 from the State Office of Housing & Community Development

d.               Public hearing and potential action regarding the proposed Charter amendment questions as recommended by the Charter Revision Advisory Committee NOTE: this is the collection of seven Town Charter revision proposals. One of them, #7, is good. See analysis here.

a.               Board and Commission vacancies
a.               Resolution requiring all registered voters to present identification at local referendum

b.               Resolution in support of South County and Westerly Hospitals

d.               Resolution supporting a referendum relating to the Code of Ethics

e.               Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #350 amending Chapter 206. Vehicles and Traffic, Article I. Parking. Motion to order advertised for public hearing on July 9, 2012.

f.                Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #351 amending Chapter 26. Juvenile 
                  Hearing Board, Section 4. Membership. Motion to order advertised for public hearing on July 9, 2012.


f.                Appointments to the Town Administrator’s Search Committee. Applications received from Ronald J. Areglado, Susan H. Ogle, Sean White, Christopher J. Sheehan, Richard H. Hosp, Peter W. Arnold, Richard J. Sartor, Janice Falcone, Anne M. Irons, Leone Mainelli, Janice Carlson, Arthur R. Ganz, David R. Bailey, Dr. Dolph Santiello, Vaughn P. Ballard, Stephen Hoff, J. Lawrence Dunn, JoAnne Santos and Steven Santos

k.               Approval of purchasing conservation easement on YMCA property for $398,000, in conjunction with purchase of same property for preservation by the Charlestown Land Trust, using open space and recreation bond funds. NOTE: this is the Y-Gate Scam

l.                Resolution authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $2,000,000 general obligation bonds and notes of the Town of Charlestown to finance the acquisition, preservation or protection of open space or any interest therein alone or in conjunction with federal agencies, state agencies, land conservancies, land trusts or preservation organization for preservation, Ground water protection or the development of public recreation facilities. NOTE: this is how the Y-Gate Scam will be funded.

m.              Approval of the Gate House lease. NOTE: hopefully this will end the long, drawn-out trial the Town Council has put Bill Clarkin through.

19.       LEGAL MATTERS - None