Saturday, July 21, 2012

Celebrating National Hot Dog Day

Beautiful day for it
By Will Collette

from Saugy's website
The exact date for National Hot Dog Day is pretty informal, according to Wikipedia, but one of the holiday trackers has it as today. Having been burned by a single source, I am less prone to declare today is the exact day, but I do know that all this month is being celebrated as National Hot Dog Month by none other than that ultimate authority, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council

Whether your taste runs to New York System wieners all the way, or to Rhode Island's finest Saugys, or to Tofu-Dogs, on a lovely summer day like today, there's nothing better than to fire up the grill and char up some tube steaks.

Sure, there are so many reasons not to eat a hot dog, such as the question we really don't want answered: what's in them. Or the calories, salt and fat and so on.

But among life's guilty pleasures, surely there is a place for the humble hot dog.

For the curious, here's how the ingredients and nutritional stats for Saugys are listed on the label: