Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30 is Medicare Day

Celebrate its 47th birthday!
By Will Collette

For almost half a century, the United States has been providing government-funded health insurance to the elderly and totally disabled without regard to income. It was called “socialism” and just about all the other nasty names that have been hurled at so-called “Obamacare” – and much worse.

Yet after 47 years, two things have happened. One is that we have not tumbled into the abyss of “socialized medicine,” despite what the critics warned back then. I wish we would, though, because the basic right to health care that Medicare provides to the elderly and handicapped is something we all should have.

Another Tea Party genius heard from
Second, even among the most rabid Tea Partiers and Libertarians, Medicare is an essential part of their lives. Even Ron Paul wants to keep Medicare and Social Security, even though he thinks they are unconstitutional. And don’t forget all those unintentionally funny signs at Tea Party rallies – “Government: Keep your hands off my Medicare,” as if the sign-holder thought Medicare came from the benevolent health insurance industry.

To learn more about Medicare and what you can do to protect it and fight for the same kind of coverage for all Americans, click here.