Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lively action at first skim-boarding competition in Charlestown

Organizers hope to do a training camp at the next event
By Will Collette
Photos courtesy of Cheryl Dowdell

It was a nice finish to a new Charlestown event that had a very tense beginning. 

On June 23, Charlestown hosted its first skim-boarding competition under the auspices of the North East Skim Tour (NEST) along a sparsely used stretch of Charlestown’s town beach property, the Town Beach Annex near the Breachway.

Event organizer Michael Dowdell underwent rigorous,sometimes skeptical, quizzing from Town Council members at their May 14 meeting. Since Charlestown forbids all forms of surf-boarding, this event needed a special waiver to go forward, even though it was going to happen in a largely unused stretch of beach.

I watched this extended discussion go on and on. I had to keep reminding myself that this was a skim-boarding contest, not an event that involved plutonium, dancing bears, human sacrifice or wind turbines.

But finally, with a long list of caveats and conditions, the Council finally agreed to let the event go forward with the Charlestown Parks and Recreation Department as a co-sponsor.

As it turned out, the contest on the 23rd drew a nice crowd on June 23, despite being in competition with probably more local events than Tom or I ever remember happening on one day. 

It was a beautiful day for it and, even after the event started, it drew more spectators from nearby beaches who were attracted to the action.

There were thirty competitors. Drew Plourd from Connecticut won the competition. Noah Smith came in second. Charlestown’s own, Mike Dowdell and Paul Cross, tied for 3rd.

Robbie Toth of Charlestown, assisted with scoring.

Michael Dowdell had hoped to hold a training camp for aspiring skim boarders in the days following the contest but not enough people registered to make that viable. 

But pulling off a successful contest on the 23rd will hopefully create a buzz and make the event even bigger next time, and attract participants to the training program.