Sunday, July 15, 2012

Petition Drive underway to buy YMCA Camp outright

News release on plan to collect 400 signatures by July 23rd
From James Mageau

(Charlestown, July 13, 2012)   Several Charlestown residents today launched a petition drive to collect the 400 signatures needed to call a Special Budget Hearing/Financial Referendum for the purpose of acquiring full title to the Ocean Community YMCA property at 50 Bayberry Lane, Charlestown, for active recreational use.
The petition would also appropriate up to Six Hundred Thousand ($600,000.00) Dollars, from the Town’s undesignated fund balance (surplus) for the purchase.

   The Ocean Community YMCA has been desirous of selling the property to help it raise the funds needed for its new addition. The efforts of the Charlestown Land Trust to use Town funds to purchase the property for restricted Open Space  has resulted in legal complications and stiff opposition from Town residents.

   The group involved with the petition drive believes that the property should be purchased outright by the Town for the exclusive active recreational use of Charlestown residents. Charlestown does not currently have any existing freshwater access recreational properties.

   Under the provisions of Charlestown’s Home Rule Charter, Section C-89, residents have the right to petition that a special referendum be held to authorize the purchase of real estate, but 400 signatures are required. Organizers of the petition drive plan to present the 400 signatures to the Town Clerk prior to the July 23, 2012, special town council meeting.

   Registered voters of Charlestown who wish to sign or to help circulate the petition are encouraged to contact any of the petition organizers: Jim Mageau, 364-9582; Jack Donoghue, 364-6602; David Mars, 364-6425; or Joe Dolock, 364-3932.