Pretend that you like people.
By Katie Halper
I feel sorry for Mitt Romney. By now, he has offended just about
every American group, except billionaires, morons, and robots. To stand a
chance on Election Day, he must get his act together right now.
Pundits and experts can argue over whether Mitt's problem is
biological, moral, or electrical. I think he just needs some pointers. In that
spirit, I've developed this handy manual of do's and don'ts for the Republican
presidential nominee — plus some tips for his wife.
Pretend that you like people. I know you don't, but talk about them as if you did. For
instance, even when you're talking to other rich people, try not to express
your contempt for nearly half the country.
Don't say
things like: "There are 47
percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what...who are
dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the
government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are
entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it." Also avoid
saying things like "my job is not to worry about those people."
kind of makes it sound like you don't.
Be respectful and somber when geopolitical disasters strike. Don't exploit
things like the deaths of U.S. diplomats for political gain. I know you don't
really feel feelings that strongly, or at all, but other people do and this
kind of response offends them. Pretend you have a heart.
Try to address human beings as if they were human beings. To connect to everyday people, act more like
an everyday person. When you make bets, even when you do this with the governor
of one of our nation's largest states, bet amounts that
other people might wager.
Treat LGBT people and people of color as if they were human too. In all fairness, your robotic
insensitivity seems to be pretty equal opportunity. And I'd think you were
homophobic if you didn't treat gay people with the same coldness you treat

Don't make birther jokes that question Obama's status as a
natural-born American. You have no sense of humor, so your jokes fall flat. Plus, your
dad was born in Mexico. Also, don't joke that you're "unemployed."
Mitt, please allow me to speak to your wife for a minute. I'm
not tired of her yet.
Ann, try to speak
to Latinos as if they were rational human beings and not fun-loving confused
I'm sure you were trying to be complimentary when you said "I
had the most rocking time in Puerto Rico at a political rally than I've ever
had in my entire life. You people really know how to party. It was crazy!"
But telling Latinos
how good they are at partying isn't helpful. Also, you should do your best to use the
expression "you people" sparingly.
I understand, Ann, you may feel entitled to speak to the descendants
of immigrants with some frankness. I know how important your Welsh heritage is
to you. I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to have a Welsh
grandfather. I can't imagine the boundaries and discrimination you must have
faced over the years. So my final advice to you would be to stay out of
OtherWords guest
columnist Katie Halper is a writer, stand-up comedian, and filmmaker.