Monday, September 10, 2012

Town Council Meeting - September 10 play-by-play

by Tom Ferrio

The image at the left may seem out of place for a Town Council meeting report but this is the time that the Council members running for office will be trying to do things to earn votes and, some perhaps for the first time, to demonstrate alignment with their 2010 campaign slogans.

Will has been providing preview reports on this meeting (first articles toward the bottom of the page here). This article is being done as a live blog during the meeting so if you're seeing it partially complete, refresh it to see updates.

6:57 pm: I just returned from the Cathie Cool Rumsey fundraiser at the General Stanton Inn and I'm getting organized. There have been some recent problems reported with ClerkBase but I tested it on a previous meeting and it worked fine for me so I'll just hope the live meeting works tonight.

I'm starting with Will's actual order of events (thanks Will!) and I'll fill in activity and comments as the meeting moves along.

(7:04) the video just started and Gentz seems to be saying they will take a break after the swearing-in of the new police chief, Jeffrey Allen.

(7:08) 15. d. Certificate of achievement for Zachary R. Dussault for obtaining the high rank of Eagle Scout
Congratulations to Zachary. (silly me) I didn't know that they regularly do this when a young man becomes an Eagle Scout.

(7:09) 17. c. Swearing in of Jeffrey Allen as Chief of Police, effective September 11, 2012, salary and benefits to be consistent with those conditions in the CPMA agreement
A nice, long, standing ovation for the new Chief. Chief Allen gave a short speech expressing his determination serve the town well.. (My connection dropped out for a while so I couldn't hear it all.)

15. b. Resolution of thanks for Police Chief Search Committee
Gentz followed the new Chief's speech with a resolution of thanks to the search committee. He noted that the new Chief was chosen from 50 applicants. Gentz then announced a recess until 7:30 for a reception.

(7:34) 18. a. Initial review of the bond application from the Washington County Community Development Corporation for $325,000 in acquisition funding for the Church Woods Project and forwarding of this application to the Affordable Housing Commission, Planning Commission and Conservation Commission for an advisory opinion
Geoffrey Marchant gave a short introduction. This was approved, to send to the various commissions, without public comment.

3. PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the Agenda
This seemed to be skipped over. Perhaps no one wanted to speak. (However I had earlier talked to someone who was considering speaking.)

Gentz reported on a meeting with the Governor, stating that the Governor continues to oppose any casino in Charlestown.

5. a. Persons' Wishing to be heard: Presentation by the RI Blood Bank for the Police Department’s efforts.
The RI Blood Bank thanked the support of our police department for local blood drives and followed up with a very moving speech about the real lives saved by donating blood. There is a blood drive at the police station next Monday afternoon.

Gentz announced a celebration at the Meadowbrook Inn tonight (during and after the meeting) to welcome our new Chief Allen.

Evelyn Smith stood to ask what happened to Public Comment and Gentz said she missed it. He then permitted her to talk at this point. She asked that the cryptically-worded " Resolution establishing uniform animal control fees" be removed from the Consent Agenda because adequate detail is not provided for the public to know what is being approved. Gentz replied that it is being tabled to next month anyway so there is no issue.

(7:52) 6. a. Town Administrator report
no comments from anyone

b. Town Solicitor report
no comments from anyone

7. a. Discussion and potential action regarding a Memorandum of Understanding by and between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Town Council of the Town of Charlestown. 
This is basically do-nothing agreement saying that the town will talk to the wildlife reserve about planned changes in Ninigret Park but it may be cancelled at any time. It's a good face-saving "out" for Dan Slattery after his original motions of several months ago that would have replaced Parks and Recreation with ad hoc bodies controlling Ninigret Park.
Charlie Vandemoer spoke to thank the Council for improving communications between the town and the wildlife reserve.
The motion passed with little comment.

7. b. Discussion and potential action regarding the Employment Manual. For background, read here and here.
I fell behind in my typing at this point so could not concentrate and had great difficulty hearing Peter Ruggiero speak because he was not near a microphone.
The Council ended up approving the Employment Manual draft without further change. Lisa DiBello voted against this.

8. a. Discussion and potential action regarding the Blue Shutters Beach Administration.
This point is about the naming of the beach as Will reported here. Pat Andersen reported that the town's code of ordinances does have mention of the longer name. DiBello said she asked for this agenda item at the request of a taxpayer and because she says a promise was made to name the beach after Sam Ferretti. The Council agreed, without a vote, to look at adding his name on a separate sign than the one on the new beach pavilion.

9. a. Public hearing and potential action on Ordinance #353 amending Chapter 155 Nuisances, Article III Dark Sky Lighting, Section 18 General Standards. 
This is the tweak to the dark skies ordinance that will limit the height of lighting poles. Ruth Platner explained that higher poles are allowed but that will require an applicant to spend money for a lighting engineer to prove that the higher poles protect dark skies.
Beth Richardson spoke to express support for the concept of dark skies but to lament that this has turned into a commercial-only obligation and restrictions despite all of the residential lighting in town. It looks lke something designed to discourage business. She argued that the current 20 foot limit is a reasonable one.
Platner responded that residential lighting is excluded because the Building Official said that residential enforcement is an issue.
Cathy Collette stood to commend Planning and Doctor Johnson for the work on the dark skies ordinance and also expressed disappointment that any residential guidelines are excluded.
Marge Frank asked for more promotion of lighting reduction to homeowners to build awareness.
Dan Slattery stated that he was looking for some scientifically-based arguments to support a height limit, without success. Slattery stated that the 20-foot option is there in the proposal (though that requires hiring an engineer) so he is ok with the proposed change.
Gregg Avedisian stated that he doesn't feel this proposal is an appropriate improvement.
Gentz moved to accept the proposed change and Slattery seconded that. It passed 4-1 (Avedisian opposed).

12. CONSENT AGENDA All items marked with “CA” are to be considered consent agenda “Consent agenda” items are non-controversial items that are usually voted on as a block without discussion or debate.
15c about animal control fees was deferred until the new police chief has a chance to review the proposal (which was not provided tonight).

14. a. Board and Commission vacancies
Gentz read these, as usual.

(8:41) 15. a. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #354 amending Chapter 218 Zoning Map Change, Plat 29, Lot 91 – Heavers, Richard Estate of. Motion to order advertised for public hearing on October 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Charlestown Town Hall, Council Chambers 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI and forward to the Planning Commission for an advisory opinion. For background,read here.
This was approved so that it can be discussed and decided next month.

16. a. Memo from Joseph Warner, Jr., Building / Zoning Official re: New Flood Maps
Pat Anderson spoke to announce the public session on flood zone updates on September 20 (this is on Progressive Charlestown's calendar).

20. ADJOURNMENT - all done at 8:42. Yippee!

Your Progressive Charlestown authors will be following up with some commentary in the next few days.