Blames Mystery Mechanic for Accident

When officers confronted the man about the accident, he told
them his mechanic named “Miguel” was driving the vehicle earlier in the day and
was trying to set him up. Furthering police’s suspicions, the man was
unable to provide Miguel’s last name, address or phone number.
Police noted that the man matched the victim’s description and
that he was also sporting a bruise on his right shoulder – which the man was
unable to explain. Police arrested the man, who was also found to have been
driving on a suspended license.
Rope Act Gone Wrong
Using a rope to climb into your love’s bedroom window may get
all the ladies in the movies, but in real life all it gets you is attention
from law enforcement. According to reports, Portsmouth police spotted a 22-year-old man walking down the street – with a rope wrapped around his
The man allegedly told police he had used the rope to climb into
his girlfriend’s window, who thought it was “romantic” for him to use the
window instead of the door. After checking the man’s story, police discovered
he was wanted on a bench warrant and took him into custody.
Objects Land SK Man in Handcuffs
One South Kingstown man got in trouble with the law this week
due to two naked weapons in his possession. According to police, the 49-year-old man was spotted outside a CVS sitting on a bench with his
penis exposed.
After searching the man, officers allegedly found a Smith and
Wesson extreme OPS knife in his backpack – along with a few rags and a bottle
of lotion. He was arrested for possession of a weapon other than a firearm and
cited for indecent exposure.
Spits on Officer, Wets Himself in Cell
Middletown Police encountered a highly intoxicated driver this past week. According to reports, the man was so
intoxicated he could barely form sentences. After police read him his rights,
the 54-year-old man allegedly spat on an officer and told him, “I have
Hepatitis, A, B and C and I hope you get it, too.” Police were unable to
photograph or fingerprint the man due to his belligerence. In the cell, the man
reportedly urinated on himself.