Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Story Starters

Republishing a Classic Progressive Charlestown article
Share something new with your family at your next gathering.

The November AARP Bulletin lists suggested conversation starters for those times when holiday dinner conversation needs a jump start.

Here are some excerpt from the article which can be found here.

Bring this article with you to your holiday gathering. Instead of offering expressions of gratitude, ask each other questions, share something new and, perhaps, bridge a generation gap. We suggest 50 topics to get you started, but no rules apply. Just have fun asking others to fill in the blanks and offering up your own answers. Who knows? Your revelations may become the spiciest dish at the feast.

5. I remember my siblings as being ___

7. My chores growing up were ___

11. Something I wish was still sold in stores is ___

22. My first date was with ___ at ___

33. My beliefs once changed when ___

39. A secret I wish I hadn't kept is ___

50. Something I hope you like about me is ___

Editor's note: These conversation starters have not been tested thoroughly. Actual results may vary.