Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas gift drive exceeds goal

Fifty area children will have a better Christmas than they expected

Charlestown Democrats report the effort to fulfill the Christmas wish lists of South County children under the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) far exceeded its goal.

The Charlestown Democratic Town Committee teamed up with Operating Engineers Local 57 to give 30 children in shelters or foster homes in South County a nicer holiday by providing gifts the kids would otherwise go without.

DCYF social workers gave Tim Quillen, an officer in the Operating Engineers union and vice-chair of town Democrats the children’s wish lists which were remarkable in their low expectations. Some kids only wanted shampoo, socks, blankets or pajamas. Even the kids who asked for toys had very modest requests.

Through the generosity of union and committee members, and donations from area residents who responded to the Committee’s request, not only were all the 30 kids given everything on their lists, but Quillen reported that more than enough was collected to fill gift bags for at least another 20 children.